Spawn and distribute blockchain networks on the fly. Based on bitcoin 0.10.
Clone the bitcoinclone repo and run the setup script.
git clone && \
cd bitcoinclone && \
Once the genesis block is mined and the deployment_extention wrapper has been applied (the setup script takes care of all this) you will find a new image inside your local repository named derrend/bitcoinclone:altcoin
Run at least two instances of this image to establish a network. You may deploy as many instances as you wish.
docker run -d --name node_1 derrend/bitcoinclone:altcoin && \
docker run -it --name node_2 derrend/bitcoinclone:altcoin
IP addresses are deterministic in docker and so each new instance is set to connect to its own IP address - 1. If it fails to receive a response it will connect to its own IP address + 1.
You can add IP addresses manually in deployment_extention/bitcoin.conf