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Releases: cyberrumor/ammo


17 Jul 18:08
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This version does not have required migrations when updating from the previous release.

  • Various bug fixes.
  • Update setuptools to avoid using vulnerable version.
  • Fix deprecation warning for testing truthiness of values that are potentially None.

Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.2


23 Mar 17:55
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New Features:

  • "tools" menu for managing apps that won't be installed into the game directory.

Updating to anything past this version requires manual intervention:

  • If you were using a mod that has only one folder and no files at the mod's root, and that folder was named either "grass", "scripts", or "seq", that mod must be reinstalled from archive. Mods like this were previously broken and will now work correctly after performing the above steps. An example of a mod like this is "Grass Precache for Skyrim Vanilla Grass".

See git log v1.0..v1.1 for full list of changes / bug fixes since previous release.


12 Mar 01:59
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  • Install archives from Downloads folder
  • Configure fomods
  • Sort mods/plugins
  • Autosort plugins based on mod order
  • Delete mods/plugins/downloads
  • Activate/Deactivate mods/plugins

Known issues:

  • Fomods that use "Data" as a source location are mangled (ammo deletes
    that fomod's Data folder).
  • Sometimes plugins don't populate correctly.
  • EOF and KeybaordInterrupt produce tracebacks

Updating to anything past this version requires manual intervention:

  • If you were using Embers XD, MCM Helper, or any other FOMOD with a Data folder, you must update ammo then re-download and reinstall / reconfigure those mods.
  • All users, including those above, must reconfigure all fomods:
    • Update ammo
    • type 'find fomods'
    • for each mod you see here, delete that mod's Data folder unless it's
      specified in that mod's ModuleConfig.xml as a source (like Embers XD, MCM Helper, etc).
    • refresh
    • reconfigure that fomod via configure <index>.