qr-code-scanner Public
Forked from code-kotis/qr-code-scanner📠 A simple, fast and useful progressive web application
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2020 -
google-authenticator-android Public
Forked from google/google-authenticator-androidOpen source fork of the Google Authenticator Android app
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 9, 2020 -
openwrt Public
Forked from openwrt/openwrtThe main repository of the OpenWrt distribution
twofactorauth Public
Forked from 2factorauth/twofactorauthList of sites with two factor auth support which includes SMS, email, phone calls, hardware, and software.
CSS MIT License UpdatedNov 12, 2015 -
android_kernel_samsung_tuna Public
Forked from CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_tunaSamsung Galaxy Nexus (GT-I9250)
Tiamat-Xoom Public
Forked from Tiamat-AOSP/Tiamat-XoomTiamat Xoom Kernel is overclocked with many modifications for speed, filesys and network mounts, and dramatically increased performance