SQL Server has come a long way! From OLTP to OLAP, on-premises to cloud, big data clusters to hyperscale -- SQL Server has evolved in many ways. With that evolution comes complexity as organizations seek to take advantage of new features and cloud efficiency. This hack puts you (and your team) in the role of a SI (Systems Integrator), working with many clients to modernize their environments and applications.
In this hack, database administrators, developers who work extensively with SQL Server, and architects will migrate solutions to Azure SQL database. Several different scenarios are presented that are based on real-world scenarios, and in most cases, there are multiple ways to solve the problem given the requirements of each challenge.
- Challenge 0: Setup
- Challenge 1: Migration
- Challenge 2: Performance & Tuning
- Challenge 3: Security & Auditing
- Challenge 4: High Availability & Disaster Recovery
- Azure SQL Database
- Azure Database Migration service
- Azure Data Studio
- Your own Azure subscription with Owner access
- See the setup challenge for information on setting up your environment.
- Student's Challenge Guide
Cyrille Visser