This application allows uers to input an age and returns the age of the user in years for various planets. For example, a user inputted their age as roughly 25 will receive a value over 100 for their age in Mercury years. The app bases calculations off the conversion between each planet's year and Earth's year.
- Find repository on GitHub
- Clone or download repository
- From your terminal, navigate to the project's root directory
- Use npm install command install necessary dependencies
- Use npm run test to view the results and details of project specs/tests
- The recommended editor for viewing the application is Visual Studio Code
- Spec: The application will create an Age object which stores the inputted age.
- Input: age(50)
- Output: 50
- Spec: The application will return the inputted age in Mercury years, assuming a Mercury year is .24 Earth years.
- Input: age(26.4)
- Output: 110
- Spec: The application will return the inputted age in Venus years, assuming a Venus year is .62 Earth years.
- Input: age(49.6)
- Output: 80
- Spec: The application will return the inputted age in Mars years, assuming a Mars year is 1.88 Earth years.
- Input: age(94)
- Output: 50
- Spec: The application will return the inputted age in Jupiter years, assuming a Jupiter year is 11.86 Earth years.
- Input: age(237.2)
- Output: 20
There are no known bugs. The application is optimzed for a desktop and is not guaranteed to be fully viewable on all devices.
Contact: [email protected]
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6)
- Libraries: Bootstrap, jQuery, npm
- Development Tools: Visual Studio Code, Git, GitHub
MIT Open Source
Copyright (c) 2020 David McCaslin