This project contains elements to use an arbitrary ERC20 token with the Circle CCTP contracts
Start a local ethereum node:
cd anvil
Polyon - access Mumbai testnet via Alchemy
For polygon, set the following environment variables:
- PG - EOA for the polygon network
- PGKEY - private key for the polygon network
- PG_URL - Alchemy API URL for the polygon Mumbai test network, including the api version and api key url components.
Use the Python notebooks in the demo directory to deploy:
- deployment-notes-local.ipynb for deployment of two domains to a local ethereum node
- deployment-notes-polygon.ipynb for deployment of one domain to polygon mumbai and one domain to a local ethereum node
Project init - forge init Open zepp contracts - forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
For python:
virtualenv -p python3 .venv $ . .venv/bin/activate (.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
abigen --abi mt.abi --pkg mt --type MessageTransmitter --out MessageTransmitter.go
One challenge in the implementation was the difference in signatures between the mint functions in the ERC20 and the Circle contracts:ERC20 has a void return type, while the Circle contract returns a boolean. This required a custom implementation of the mint function in my version of the ERC20 contract.