HMS is a multi featured web application, developed in django which contains three major modules
- Admin
- Doctor
- Patient where a patient can book his/her appoinment with respective specialised doctors, and accordingly doctors can generate the invoice of the detailed charges related to the patient, and entire system is being managed by admin.
- COVID assistance facility
- Doctors And Patient requires the aprroval from admin to get procced into the dashboard.
- Patient can book the appointment with the respective specialised doctor.
- Admin is responsible to discharge the patient.
- Invoice Generation with detailed charges and facility used.
- Signup their account. Then Login (No approval Required).
- Can register/view/approve/reject/delete doctor (approve those doctor who applied for job in their hospital).
- Can admit/view/approve/reject/discharge patient (discharge patient when treatment is done).
- Can Generate/Download Invoice pdf (Generate Invoice according to medicine cost, room charge, doctor charge and other charge).
- Can view/book/approve Appointment (approve those appointments which is requested by patient).
- Apply for job in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only doctor can login).
- Can only view their patient details (symptoms, name, mobile ) assigned to that doctor by admin.
- Can view their discharged(by admin) patient list.
- Can view their Appointments, booked by admin.
- Can delete their Appointment, when doctor attended their appointment.
- Create account for admit in hospital. Then Login (Approval required by hospital admin, Then only patient can login).
- Can view assigned doctor's details like ( specialization, mobile, address).
- Can view their booked appointment status (pending/confirmed by admin).
- Can book appointments.(approval required by admin)
- Can view/download Invoice pdf (Only when that patient is discharged by admin).
- Django
- Bootstrap
- SQlite
- Install Python(3.7.6) (Dont Forget to Tick Add to Path while installing Python)
- Open Terminal and Execute Following Commands :
pip install django==3.0.5
pip install django-widget-tweaks
pip install xhtml2pdf
- Download This Project Zip Folder and Extract it
- Move to project folder in Terminal. Then run following Commands :
py makemigrations
py migrate
py runserver
- Now enter following URL in Your Browser Installed On Your Pc