at first about my name:
why is there "MR."?
it shows you: I'm not a lady / girl / woman
my first name is originally Mihály (but I don't really like it...)
it confuses a non Hungarians, because of the letter "á"
so I made it easier to "understand", read, write, remember.
it is translatable to English, and it means: Michael (yes, like the ArchAngel)
my surname / last name is Nyilas. then why "NYilas"?
N followed by Y is a combined letter with a one-letter meaning
my surname / last name is also translatable to English, it means:
Archer, Sagittarius, Bowman
the only digital way is Linux! don't forget it... I found my favo[u]rite one, using it continuously since 2013(?)
Fedora loves Python. me too, and PHP, and ...
if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
I think you are smart enough to "find" my e-mail address, it's not hidden...
I think this is enough for now.
Best regards,
{{ @dabzse | @mny }}