This service will be used to create, delete, and validate questionnaireIDs. It will not allow a questionnaireID to be used more than once.
Running The Application
- Ensure that a local instance of mongoDb is running on port 27017
- Build and start the application by running FFQuestionnaireApplication.java
To run from command line:
mvn spring-boot:run
- The base endpoint of the API is: localhost:9080/ffq
Load database on startup
- Start the application with the following args:
- -Dmongo.questionnaires.load="true"
- ie)
mvn spring-boot:run -Dmongo.questionnaires.load="true"
Database Information
- Database name: ffq_database
- Questionnaires Collection name: questionnaires
Questionnaire API
GET calls
- Get all questionnaires: /questionnaires
- Get individual questionnaire by questionnaireID: /{quesetionnaireID} (Currently case sensitive)
- Validate questionnaireID: /validate/{questionnaireID} If the exists and submitted fields are false, user can take questionnaire. If the exists field is true, and submitted is false, user already took questionnaire.
POST calls
Create a single questionnaire: /create In the request body, pass one FFQuestionnaire object in a JSON payload. Example:
{"questionnaireID":"gonza23", "issuerID":"David Gonzalez"}
Create multiple questionnaires: /createMany In the request body, pass an arraylist of FFQuestionnaire objects in a JSON payload. Example:
[{"questionnaireID":"palacios33", "issuerID":"Cristina Palacios"}, {"questionnaireID":"leia003", "issuerID":"Leia Diaz"}]
PUT calls
- To mark a questionnaire as submitted: /update In the request body, pass a FFQuestionnaire object with the updated info. The questionnaireID in this object must be valid. Example: {"questionnaireID":"palacios33", "submitted":true}
DELETE calls
- Delete questionnaire by questionnaireID: /delete/{questionnaireID} Pass the questionnaireID in a request parameter. Make sure the questionnaireID exists.