#Meeting Materials for Feb 6th, 2014
- Date: February 6, 2014
- Speaker: Art Beane
- Topic: Using PowerShell to automate applications using COM.
- Blog Post: PowerShell.org
##Speaker Bio Art Beane has been working in IT for more than 30 years, starting at Digital Equipment Corp where he was assigned to help develop solutions to complex and large scale problems. Some of them included the first deployment of Ethernet in a production environment, a design for a launch control system for the Space Shuttle, deployment of an expert system to automate tasks for an Australian ministry, and the resolution of a network connection problem for Space Mountain at Disney World. After Digital, Art worked at Banyan Systems as the global consulting project manager where he worked mostly on email projects like message automation at Singapore Telecom and the merger of Korean companies Lucky and Goldstar into LG. Since Banyan’s demise, Art has been a contractor working mostly on data center designs and automation. Most recently that work has concentrated on PowerShell scripting in WMI/CIM, AD, VMware, and NetAPP. Art is active in the PowerGUI and SpiceWorks PowerShell communities.
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