Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
A diffusion model to colorize black and white images
Effortlessly visualize JSON structures as dynamic tree diagrams
📚 Freely available programming books
🇨🇭 A React renderer for Three.js
TikTok 無需拔卡解鎖最新支援 iPhone &iPad 、TikTok&TikTok TestFlight,地區切換 、視頻發佈 、 live 直播 、點贊 評論、私信聊天等!
基于three.js开发的3D模型可视化编辑器 包含模型加载,模型文件导入导出,模型背景图,全景图,模型动画,模型灯光,模型定位,辅助线,模型辉光,模型拖拽,模型拆解, 模型材质等可视化操作编辑系统,模型编辑数据保存预览和代码嵌入 前端技术:Vue3+Typescript+Pinia+Threejs
three+vue3<tres> : An open-source framework that enables rapid implementation of your 3D visualization projects [tvt.js tres.js three.js vue3 ts]
开源的SSL证书管理工具,可以帮助你自动申请、部署SSL证书,并在证书即将过期时自动续期。An open-source SSL certificate management tool that helps you automatically apply for and deploy SSL certificates, as well as automatically renew them w…
In my leisure time, I have written some common cases of Cesium (such as model control, analysis, material, shader effect, etc.), and utilized ES6 for packaging with the aim of providing convenience…
Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3
html5 js 录音 mp3 wav ogg webm amr g711a g711u 格式,支持pc和Android、iOS部分浏览器、Hybrid App(提供Android iOS App源码)、微信,提供ASR语音识别转文字 H5版语音通话聊天示例 DTMF编码解码
A minimalist javascript audio player for PCM streaming audio
CesiumJS 的扩展库,提供事件订阅、大数据geojson加载、geojson样式、tooltip、popup、缩放控制、绘图工具、测量工具、双屏联动、指南针、热力图等功能
An advanced guide to learn English which might benefit you a lot 🎉 . 离谱的英语学习指南/英语学习教程。
项目基于 vue3 + vite + cesium,已实现常见三维动画场,欢迎有兴趣的同学加入共建~
集成ChatGPT和New Bing到微信,提供New Bing聊天小程序,额外集成了Google Bard和文心一言
🌏 📊 ol3Echarts | a openlayers extension to echarts
Sample tilesets for learning how to use 3D Tiles 📚
Cesium VectorTileImageryProvider支持小数据量的geojson、shape文件 矢量 动态切片,实现贴地