Ftp storage support for paperclip file attachment plugin. Useful for CDNs with ftp access method for file uploading.
gem install paperclipftp
In your model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :path => "/path-to-images/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", :url => "http://my-cdn-domain.com/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", :storage => :ftp, :ftp_credentials => Rails.root.join('config', 'paperclipftp.yaml') end
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :avatar, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :path => "/path-to-images/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", :url => "http://my-cdn-domain.com/:attachment/:id/:style/:filename", :storage => :ftp, :ftp_credentials => { :host => 'ftp.domain.com', :username => 'username', :password => 'password' }, :ftp_passive_mode => false, :ftp_timeout => 90, :ftp_verify_size_on_upload => false, :ftp_debug_mode => false end
Options storage, ftp_credentials, path and url are mandatory.
: Should be set to ‘ftp’ value in order to utilize paperclipftp plugin -
: Takes a path, a File, or a Hash. The path (or File) must point to a YAML file containing thehost
, andpassword
to ftp server. You can ‘environment-space’ this just like you do to your database.yml file, so different environments can use different accounts:development: host: domain.com username: user password: password test: ... production: ...
This is not required, however, and the file may simply look like this:
host: domain.com username: user password: password
In which case, those values will be used in all environments.
: This is the templated path to the directory on the ftp server in which the file will be stored. -
: This is the templated url to the files as accessed from CDN.
Other options are optional.
: True if ftp communication should happen in passive mode -
: Max amount of time in seconds to allocate to ftp operations of the plugin -
: If true, dumps copy of all ftp commands to stderr -
: If true, file size will be verified after each upload
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