A Payload Loader Designed With Advanced Evasion Features
Stand up a simple Elastic container with Kibana, Fleet, and the Detection Engine
This repository contains my complete resources and coding practices for malware development using Rust 🦀.
Amnesiac is a post-exploitation framework entirely written in PowerShell and designed to assist with lateral movement within Active Directory environments
RunasCs - Csharp and open version of windows builtin runas.exe
DLL Hijacking and Mock directories technique to bypass Windows UAC security feature and getting high-level privileged reverse shell. Security researchers identified this technique which uses a simp…
Collection of one-liners to bypass User Account Control (UAC) in Windows. These techniques exploit certain behavior in Windows applications to elevate privileges.
Elastic Security detection content for Endpoint
Extracted Yara rules from Windows Defender mpavbase and mpasbase
This comprehensive process injection series is crafted for cybersecurity enthusiasts, researchers, and professionals who aim to stay at the forefront of the field. It serves as a central repository…
Helper script for spawning a minimal Ubuntu 16.04 container ready for building kernel exploits (~4.x)
A collection of proof-of-concept source code and scripts for executing remote commands over WinRM using the WSMan.Automation COM object
A customizable and powerful penetration testing reporting platform for offensive security professionals. Simplify, customize, and automate your pentest reports with ease.
MrAle98 / chisel
Forked from jpillora/chiselA fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
MrAle98 / mimikatz
Forked from gentilkiwi/mimikatzA little tool to play with Windows security
A silly PAM module to allow authentication as any user with a single password.
⬆️ ☠️ 🔥 Automatic Linux privesc via exploitation of low-hanging fruit e.g. gtfobins, pwnkit, dirty pipe, +w docker.sock
Deploy Linux hacking stuff and randomly misconfigured Windows Active Directory
A RunAs clone with the ability to specify the password as an argument.
A collection of techniques, examples and a little bit of theory for manually obfuscating PowerShell scripts to achieve AV evasion, compiled for educational purposes. The contents of this repository…
ConPtyShell - Fully Interactive Reverse Shell for Windows
A revamped and updated version of my original OneRuleToRuleThemAll hashcat rule
An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface.