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daniel752 committed Jun 6, 2023
0 parents commit fd5a199
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Showing 3 changed files with 3,785 additions and 0 deletions.
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
""" is a python script for extracting data within executables (e.g. .EXE).
This script implements a PoC (Proof-of-Concept) system for BBIS (Binary-Based Instruction Substitution)."""

import os
import magic
import argparse

from bbis_hide import get_executable_binary,get_executable_offsets,clear_logs
from opcode_map_db import extraction_opcode_map

def get_arguments_cli():
"""Gets user input from CLI."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='',description='Extract a file hidden with within executable')
parser.add_argument('-e','--executable',type=str,required=True,help='Path to executable for extraction')
return parser.parse_args()

def get_byte_conversion(bytes):
return extraction_opcode_map.get(bytes)

def extract_binary_data(buffer,offsets):
binary_data = ''
# start = ''
end = ''
i = 0
offset = 0
used_offsets = []

while len(end) < 16:
# Current offset
offset = offsets[i]
opcode = f"{buffer[offset]} {buffer[offset+1]}"
# print(f"Offset:{offset}; opcode:{opcode}")
if opcode in extraction_opcode_map:
# # If opcode in map
# if len(start) < 16:
# # If start isn't 16 bits yet append bit to start
# start += get_byte_conversion(opcode)
# If start is 16 bits already then append bit to end
end += get_byte_conversion(opcode)
# Increase 'i' to next offset in 'offsets'
i += 1

# start = int(start,2)
end = int(end,2)
# i -= 1
offset = offsets[i]
while offset <= end:
opcode = f"{buffer[offset]} {buffer[offset+1]}"
# print(f"Offset:{offset}; opcode:{opcode}")
if opcode in extraction_opcode_map:
binary_data += get_byte_conversion(opcode)

i += 1
offset = offsets[i]

# with open("extraction-offsets.txt","w") as file:
# for offset in offsets:
# file.write(f"{offset}\n")

return binary_data

def convert_binary_to_file(binary_data):
return int(binary_data, 2).to_bytes((len(binary_data) + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')

def get_file_type(file_binary):
file_type = magic.from_buffer(file_binary, mime=True).split('/')[1]
if file_type == 'plain':
file_type = 'txt'
return file_type

def write_file(file_binary,file_type):
with open(f"output-file.{file_type}","wb") as file:

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get arguments from CLI
args = get_arguments_cli()
# Path to executable file
executable = args.executable
# Get targeted mnemonics offsets from executable's object data
offsets_list = get_executable_offsets(executable)
offsets = [x[0] for x in offsets_list]
# Get file's binary data
buffer = get_executable_binary(executable)
binary_data = extract_binary_data(buffer,offsets)
# print(f"Extracted binary data:{binary_data}")
file_binary = convert_binary_to_file(binary_data)
file_type = get_file_type(file_binary)
208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
""" is a python script for hiding data in executables (e.g. .EXE).
This script implements a PoC (Proof-of-Concept) system for BBIS (Binary-Based Instruction Substitution)."""

import os
import time
import argparse

from opcode_map_db import target_map,decode_opcode_map_0_to_1,decode_opcode_map_1_to_0

map_dict = \
0: decode_opcode_map_1_to_0,
1: decode_opcode_map_0_to_1

def get_arguments_cli():
"""Gets user input from CLI."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='',
description='Python script to decode\extract data within executable file.')
# parser.add_argument('-a', '--action', type=str, required=True, help='-a or --action [=decode,=extract] (choose whether you want to decode or extract data)')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, required=True, help='Path to file to hide in executable')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--executable', type=str, required=True, help='Path to executable to hide file within')
return parser.parse_args()

def get_file_binary_data(file):
"""Reads file's binary data, converts binary data to binary string.
:param file: file path
:return binary: file's binary data in base 2 (binary) as string"""
with open(file, 'rb') as reader:
binary =
binary = bin(int.from_bytes(binary, byteorder='big'))[2:]
return binary

def get_executable_binary(executable):
"""Reads executable and returns binary data as bytearray"""
return bytearray(open(executable,'rb').read())

def get_executable_object_data(executable):
# Get executable name from path
exe_name = os.path.basename(executable).split('.')[0]
# Disassemble .EXE file's code section with intel x8086 mnemonics and save output
os.system(f'objdump -d -M intel {executable} > {exe_name}_dump.txt')
# Get info about object code - code section's offset,size,virtual address
os.system(f'objdump -h {executable} > {exe_name}_code_offset.txt')
# Read object code's disassembly to 'dump'
dump = open(f'{exe_name}_dump.txt', 'r').readlines()[7:]
# Read object code's information to 'info'
info = open(f'{exe_name}_code_offset.txt', 'r').readlines()[5:6]
# Converting 'info' from list to str
info = str(info[0])
virtual_offset = info[28:36]
code_offset = info[48:56]
dump = [x.split('\t') for x in dump]
return (dump, virtual_offset, code_offset)

def organize_mnemonics_list(dump):
# Iterate through 'dump' and append commands to 'mnemonic_list'
# Each x is a list and contains [offset,hex value,command(optional)] (sometimes there's NOP or line of zero)
return [[x[0].replace(' ', ''), x[1].replace(' ', ''), x[2].replace(' ', '')] for x in dump if len(x) == 3]

def get_target_mnemonics(mnemonic_list):
return [mnemonic_list[i] for i in range(len(mnemonic_list)) if mnemonic_list[i][1] in target_map]

def calculate_offsets(target_list, virtual_offset, code_offset):
"""Calculates for every target mnemonic it's real offset from virtual offset and returns a list"""
offsets = [(int(hex((int(x[0][:-1], 16) - int(virtual_offset, 16)) + int(code_offset, 16)), 16), x[1]) for x in target_list]

# For debugging purposes
# with open("offsets-list.txt","w") as file:
# for offset in offsets:
# file.write(f"{offset}\n")

return offsets
# return [(int(hex((int(x[0][:-1], 16) - int(virtual_offset, 16)) + int(code_offset, 16)), 16), x[1]) for x in target_list]

def get_executable_offsets(executable):
"""Get all assembly mnemonics from binary file code section,
parses them and gets assembly mnemonics that are in the opcode mapping with their offsets"""
# Get executable's assembly code (dump), virtual offset, and code offset (code section location)
res = get_executable_object_data(executable)
dump, virtual_offset, code_offset = res[0], res[1], res[2]
# Organize mnemonics
mnemonic_list = organize_mnemonics_list(dump)
# Get target mnemonics from whole assembly code
target_list = get_target_mnemonics(mnemonic_list)
# Return list of tuples (offset,opcode)
return calculate_offsets(target_list, virtual_offset, code_offset)

def get_opcode_conversion(opcode, param):
"""Converts opcodes based on their value in map and 'param'. If 'param' is 0 and opcode value in map is 1 then
it will convert it to it's equal opcode that has value of 0 in map."""
return int(map_dict.get(param).get(opcode).split()[0]),int(map_dict.get(param).get(opcode).split()[1])

def decode_data_within_executable(buffer, binary_data, offsets):
"""Gets buffer and binary input to decode inside buffer
:param buffer: Buffer for executable file.
:param binary_data: File's binary representation to decode inside executable (buffer).
:param offsets: List of offsets for mnemonics in buffer."""
i = j = 0
binary = ''

while i < len(binary_data):
# Current bit in binary data
bit = binary_data[i]
# Current offset from offset list
offset = offsets[j]
# Current opcode (all targeted mnemonics are 2 bytes)
opcode = f'{buffer[offset]} {buffer[offset+1]}'
# print(f"Offset:{offset}; opcode:{opcode}; bit:{bit}; index:{j}")
if bit == '1':
# If current bit is 1 check whether current opcode gives value of 0 in map
if opcode in decode_opcode_map_0_to_1:
# Substitute opcode with another one that equals 1 in map
buffer[offset],buffer[offset+1] = get_opcode_conversion(opcode,1)
# print(f"Converted to: {buffer[offset]} {buffer[offset+1]} => 1")
elif bit == '0':
# If current bit is 0 check whether current opcode gives value of 1 in map
if opcode in decode_opcode_map_1_to_0:
# Substitute opcode with another one that equals 0 in map
buffer[offset],buffer[offset+1] = get_opcode_conversion(opcode,0)
# print(f"Converted to: {buffer[offset]} {buffer[offset + 1]} =>0")
i += 1
j += 1
except IndexError as e:

if j < len(binary_data):
print('The code section in this executable is not enough to hide this message.')
print(f'Still {len(binary_data) - j} bits left to hide.')
print('Program exits')

return buffer

def write_buffer(buffer,executable):
"""Write buffer back to hard-disk (physical memory) in current directory"""
with open(f"{executable}","wb") as file:

def modify_buffer(buffer, binary_data, offsets_list):
"""Modify buffer (executable file) according to binary input (file).
:param buffer: executable file to modify.
:param binary_data: binary string to hide inside executable file.
:param offsets_list: list containing tuples of offsets and opcodes."""
# Getting only offsets in list of tuples
offsets = [int(x[0]) for x in offsets_list]
# Calculate starting offset to start decoding actual data
# The first 32-bits are saved to mark the start and end of data
# start_binary = '0' * (16 - len(bin(offsets[32])[2:])) + bin(offsets[32])[2:]
end_binary = '0' * (16 - len(bin(offsets[len(binary_data)+15])[2:])) + bin(offsets[len(binary_data)+15])[2:]
except IndexError:
print(f"Not enough offsets to decode bits with, need executable with bigger code section")
print(f"Program exits")

# print(f"Start offset: {int(start_binary,2)}")
print(f"End offset: {int(end_binary,2)}")
# Concatenate binary end mark with binary data
full_binary_data = end_binary + binary_data
# Decode 'full_binary_data' within executable file
return buffer

def clear_logs(exe_name):
exe_name = os.path.basename(exe_name).split('.')[0]
os.system(f'del {exe_name}_code_offset.txt, {exe_name}_dump.txt')

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Get arguments from CLI
args = get_arguments_cli()
# # Action to perform (to hide or extract data)
# action = args.action
# Path to file for hiding or extracting
file = args.file
# Path to executable file
executable = args.executable
# Get targeted mnemonics offsets from executable's object data
offsets_list = get_executable_offsets(executable)
# Get file's binary data
binary_data = get_file_binary_data(file)
# Load executable's data into buffer
buffer = get_executable_binary(executable)
# Modify buffer according to 'binary_data'
buffer = modify_buffer(buffer,binary_data,offsets_list)
# Get executable's name from path
exe_name = os.path.basename(executable)
# Write modified buffer back to hard-disk (looks exactly like original)
# Delete executable's object data logs

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