- Austin, Texas
rails_tutorial_app Public
This is the reference implementation of the sample application from Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails (6th Edition) by Michael Hartl.
Ruby UpdatedMar 9, 2023 -
sortable-list Public
A web app which uses the Drag and Drop API to put a sortable list in order.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
new-year-countdown Public
Landing page that counts down from the current date to the next new year
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
breakout-game Public
Game where you control a paddle with the arrow keys to bounce a ball up to break bricks. This app uses the HTML5 canvas element and API.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
relaxer-app Public
A relaxer app that uses CSS animations and a bit of JavaScript to convert a simple ring into a breathing exercise for meditation.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
lyrics-search Public
A web app which uses lyrics.ovh API to retrieve the lyrics of a song. Can search for a specific song or artists. Lyrics are returned in one string.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
memory-cards Public
A memory cards application for users to study topcis. All cards will be available in local storage with ability to add news cards, flip through them for the answer, and clear them all out. This appβ¦
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
speech-reader Public
A speech text reader app that uses the 'Web Speech API' to communicate basic needs, feelings, and places via audio.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
typing-game Public
A typing game which lets you select difficulty level.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
infinite-scroll Public
A web app which uses JSONPlaceholder, a fake REST API, to display 100 post objects via a POST request.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
music-player Public
A music player app that can start/stop song, fast-forward, pause, and skip song or play previous one.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
expense-tracker Public
A web app that keeps track of income and expenses that are saved to local storage.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 6, 2022 -
meal-finder Public
A web app which uses a Fetch API to return any meals that have the word used in the search bar.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
hangman Public
Select a letter to figure out a hidden word in a set amount of chances
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
exchange-rate-calculator Public
A web app which uses a fetch API to make an HTTP request to a third party API to get some exchange rates.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
custom-video-player Public
A web app which has a custom video player and its own stylized play/stop buttons.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -
movie-seat-booking Public
A web app that saves seats, movie and price to local storage so that UI is still populated on refresh.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2022 -