Hi, my name is Daniel Cesario, and I made this simple project to practice same concepts and tools related to code quality and tests.
I wanted to create a project with 100% test coverage and also able to validate this coverage ratio. On this project I have used:
- Spock Framework with Groovy to Unit Tests.
- Jacoco's Gradle plugin to provide reports about tests coverage.
- Sonar to analyse if the best practices have been following.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Before run the application, you need to execute the docker-compose's script with this follow command to create the container for: PostgreSQL, and PgAdmin, and Sonar:
docker-compose up -d
After that you need to execute this follow gradle command to start the application:
./gradlew bootRun
The build command generate the coverage report in HTML on folder: build/reports/jacoco/test/html/idnex.html
But, you can also generate the report using the task jacocoTestReport of Gradle with command:
./gradlew jacocoTestReport
Firstly, you need to create a token to the application can connect on Sonar server, access the Sonar by following url:
Then, do the login with following credentials:
user: admin
#password: admin
Probably you have to change the default password.
On the Sonar panel, click on your user icon, after that click on "My Account". Choose the "Security" tab, finally, generate a token to use in the application, not forget to copy the value to paste on the build.gradle file, in the task sonarqube at the property sonar.login. Now you can run the Sonar Task with following command:
./gradlew sonarqube