Subject: stfc - notes and bits of info on Star Trek Fleet Command
From: Todd T. Fries <[email protected]>
To: anyone reading this
I've noted a few individuals asking for info. Rather than repeat it every time someone asks, I collect it here for my own use and others.
I welcome others to contribute, or send corrections. I am only human!
While 100% of the data in these files is collected and entered by me, a small bit of (fleshed out northstar missions) was retyped from HiveMind. The rest is based on my own data entry from my own mobile devices. I would be remiss to not point out this awesome resource that is a bot on a discord server you can query for info. It is more info complete than my personal crib notes. I still update my own notes based on what I see since that is how I understand info. I also have a few bits they have not yet implemented, such as range of rss hostiles give in a given system. I may spot check my info from HiveMind but will not attempt to data mine their bot. I advise you to do the same. If you wish to checkout HiveMind head to:
[HiveMind Public](<>)
Todd Fries .. [email protected]
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