- 🔭 I am currently working as a software engineer at Hospital albert einstein.
- 🌱 Learning C, Shell, Linux, JavaScript and Python.
- 🧑🚀 Cadet at 42 São Paulo.
- 😄 Pronouns: She/Her.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love avocado 🥑 and matcha 🍵.
- Piscine - "42 São Paulo selection process(piscine) codes"
- libft - "library with multiple functions of existing libraries."
- get_next_line - "A C program that reads lines from a file or standard input incrementally."
- ft_printf - "recreating the printf function."
- born2beroot (the goal is to implement a Linux SO in a Virtual Machine, no code)
- fractol - "creating fractals in C."
- minitalk - "A communication program in the form of a client and a server"
- push_swap - "Sort stacks"
- minishell - "coding a mini terminal"
- philosophers - "learning threads with philosophers dinner"