By Daniel Vega @danivegamx [email protected] Senior Software Engineer & Front-End Competency Lead
A responsive ReactJS app built on ES6 and Flux architecture. This effort is focused on apply all the good practices and techniques to build scalable applications using cutting-edge technologies tools, such as ReactJS, Flux and NodeJS. For more open source examples and initiatives, visit my Github profile.
All changes will be auto-compiled to the final bundle.js file.
npm install
npm run start
Changes will be available to compiled.js as a minified and compressed file.
npm run build
TBD testing mode
npm run test
The UI library and it's utilities.
Isolated module to handle render methods.
CSS pre-processing engine and mixin set to handle styles across browsers, solving compatibility issues.
Module to set timestamps into x seconds/minutes/hours ago format.
In order to create a dynamic call to an API REST, you can add AJAX or HttpRequest on the stores.
App architecture:
---- css
---- icomoon/
---- foundation.min.css
---- master.css
---- images
---- Components Distribution.png
---- js
---- build/
---- bundle.js
---- src/
---- index.js
---- actions/
---- AppActions.js
---- components/
---- App.jsx
---- CurrentLocation.jsx
---- Footer.jsx
---- Header.jsx
---- LocationItem.jsx
---- LocationList.jsx
---- Map.jsx
---- Title.jsx
---- dispatcher/
---- AppDispatcher.js
---- stores/
---- FavoritesStore.js
---- MapStore.js
---- thirdparty/
---- moment.min.js
---- index.html
---- package.json
---- webpack.config.js
Created React.js components. Included Foundation Grid system.
Included stylus engine to build production CSS.
Finished the GMaps API connection and favorite locations' local storage.
Added Flux architecture.
Fixed listener's issue on memory using componentWillUpdate.
Refactored to ES6 and applied redesign.