Native android app written in React Native - to record workouts in the gym. Hooked into a Node-Express-Mongo server hosted on AWS EC2.
This is part of a MERN app hosted on AWS. The backend is a MongoDB database hosted on Mongo Atlas, accessed through a Node-Express server (running on an AWS EC2 instance). The initial inspiration for this project was to open up my gym data so I can monitor my fitness and gym performance more closely, importing it into a database for trend analysis (which will form another project).
- React Native
- React Navigation
- Redux
- Javascript ES6
- MongoDB
- Node server (Mongoose, Express) (in another repo here: HERE)
- Authentication
- React native paper
- Implement Redux from the very beginning, instead of refactoring several times to implement redux.
- Plan the data flow from the beginning and design the architecture around this.
- Host the Node server on AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- Implement unit testing from the beginning.
- Add password hashing.
- Complete Redux refactoring.
- Seperate logic and style components.
- Enfore HTTPS in the server.
- Move the Node server from EC2 to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- Complete styling.
- Google and Facebook authentication.
- A web-app to enable access to historical data.