Thanks to BG7YOZ and N0BOY for creating such an interesting and convenient program. It has significantly reduced the amount of equipment and cables I need for SOTA operations on the mountains. Now, aside from the essential radio, battery, and antenna, I no longer need to bring a computer and a tangle of cables. This reduction in weight makes hiking easier, and when setting up a SOTA station, it saves many steps.
In adverse weather conditions like rain and wind, this setup allows me to quickly pack everything and stow it in my backpack, minimizing body heat loss and the risk of equipment getting damp. I’m truly grateful to both of you.
My intention is to use the original FT8CN version as much as possible. This FT8TW version is mainly my personal proof-of-concept space. If any ideas prove successful, I will share them with BG7YOZ. After all, I have no intention of overshadowing the original creators. For the official, full FT8CN version, please refer to
You can download the FT8TW version here:
The related video is as follows.
感謝BG7YOZ跟N0BOY 寫出了一個如此有趣又方便的程式,大幅減少了我在山上做SOTA的設備數量,以及纜線的數量, 因為除了不可少的無線電機、電池、天線以外,可以少帶電腦以及一堆雜亂的線材,在爬山的過程減少了許多重量,在開始架設SOTA電台時,也節省了很多步驟, 反之,在遇到下雨刮風等天候不佳的情況時,能盡可能地用最快速度把裝備整理好,丟回登山背包中,也可以避免體溫流失太多以及裝備受潮的風險, 讓我再次感謝二位。
我的立場是儘可能使用原來的FT8CN版本,這個地方的FT8TW版本,則是一些我的概念驗證區域,如果驗證可行,我還是會提交我的資訊給BG7YOZ。 畢竟我沒有想要喧賓奪主喔,如果需要正式的、完整的FT8CN版本,可以參考 。