Simple tracking of friend & follower comings and goings on twitter
- stores friend/follower users locally
- supports multiple screen names
- reports deltas (see who unfollowed)
- sleeps as needed for large accounts to avoid rate limit
- can be run from cron
- currently only read-only access to twitter required
- run once to see where auths file is expected:
python -s yourscreenname
- log in to Twitter REST API
- create an application key & secret
- read-only is sufficient
- create an auth token and secret (at same address)
- will be tied to your Twitter account
- when you see references to "FOLLOWS", this means if they follow THIS account
- put all 4 of these bits into "auths.txt" in above location, as a Python dictionary
python -h
will yield
usage: [-h] [-s SCREEN_NAMES] [-f] [-F] [-S] [-d DIR]
[--dump_file FNAMES] [--debug_file DFNAMES] [-l LOG]
Track 'yo tweeps, fool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
twitter account to check
-f, --followers track followers
-F, --friends track friends
-S, --sleep support large accounts by sleeping to avoid timeouts
-d DIR, --dir DIR dir where everything is stored
--dump_file FNAMES file(s) to dump contents to stdout
--debug_file DFNAMES file to examine in debugger
-l LOG, --log LOG where to track activity