talon-for-twitter-android Public
Forked from klinker24/talon-for-twitter-androidThe most powerful and beautiful Twitter client available.
Java UpdatedFeb 1, 2022 -
examples Public
Forked from tensorflow/examplesTensorFlow examples
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 14, 2020 -
mlkit Public
Forked from googlesamples/mlkitA collection of sample apps to demonstrate how to use Google's ML Kit APIs on Android and iOS
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 14, 2020 -
android-architecture Public
Forked from android/architecture-samplesA collection of samples to discuss and showcase different architectural tools and patterns for Android apps.
Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 31, 2018 -
material-intro-screen Public
Forked from TangoAgency/material-intro-screenInspired by Heinrich Reimer Material Intro and developed with love from scratch
Java MIT License UpdatedJul 25, 2017 -
OpenCV-Marker-less-AR Public
Forked from takmin/OpenCV-Marker-less-ARThis is a marker less augmented reality application developed using OpenCV. This code can be used under MIT license. Demo movie: http://youtu.be/KgQguj78qMA
C++ UpdatedMay 21, 2015 -
OS15x147_148_149 Public
Forked from Bladestorm94/OS15x147_148_149just create
C UpdatedMay 18, 2015 -
agenda Public
Forked from agenda/agendaLightweight job scheduling for node
JavaScript UpdatedAug 18, 2014