tf-devstack is a tool for deployment of Contrail from published containers or building and deploying from sources.
It is similar to the OpenStack's devstack tool and allows bringing up Contrail along with Kubernetes of OpenStack cloud on an all-in-one single node deployment.
- AWS instance with 4 virtual CPU, 16 GB of RAM and 50 GB of disk space to deploy from published containers
- AWS instance with 4 virtual CPU, 16 GB of RAM and 80 GB of disk space to build and deploy from sources
- VirtualBox VM with 2 CPU, 8 GB of RAM and 30 GB of disk to deploy from published containers with Kubernetes.
- VirtualBox VM with 2 CPU, 10 GB of RAM and 30 GB of disk to deploy from published containers with OpenStack.
- Centos 7
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Launch the new AWS instance.
- CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM
- t2.xlarge instance type
- 50 GiB disk Storage
Log into a new instance and get root access:
sudo su -
- Install git to clone this repository:
yum install -y git
- Clone this repository and run the preparation script:
git clone
cd tf-devstack
- Start Contrail Networking deployment process:
- Wait about 30-60 minutes to complete the deployment.
Contrail Networking is deployed with Kubernetes as orchestrator by default. You can select OpenStack as orchestrator with environment variables before installation.
export ORCHESTRATOR=openstack
OpenStack version may be selected from queens (default), ocata or rocky.
Environment variable DEV_ENV may be defined as "true" to build Contrail from sources. Please, set variable BEFORE preparation script or restart preparation script:
export DEV_ENV=true
In this case, the instance must be rebooted manually after building and deployment.
Building step takes from one to two hours.
To deploy Contrail from published containers contrail-container-deployer playbooks is used. For building step contrail-dev-env environment is used.
Preparation script allows root user to connect to host via ssh, install and configure docker, build contrail-dev-control container.
Environment variable list:
- DEV_ENV true if build step is needed, false by default
- ORCHESTRATOR kubernetes by default or openstack
- K8S_VERSION kubernetes version, 1.12.3 is default for Centos, 1.12.7 is default for Ubuntu
- OPENSTACK_VERSION queens (default), ocata or rocky, variable used when ORCHESTRATOR=openstack
- MASTER_NODE_IP a instance IP address
- Deployment scripts are tested on CentOS 7 / Ubuntu 16.04 and AWS / Virtualbox
- Occasional errors prevent deployment of Kubernetes on a VirtualBox machine, retry can help
- One or more of Contrail containers are in "Restarting" status after installation, try to wait 2-3 minutes or reboot the instance
- One or more pods in "Pending" state, try to "kubectl taint nodes NODENAME", where NODENAME is name from "kubectl get node"
- OpenStack/rocky web UI reports "Something went wrong!", try use CLI (you need install python-openstackclient in virtualenv)
- OpenStack/ocata can't find host to spawn VM, set virt_type=qemu in [libvirt] section of /etc/kolla/config/nova/nova-compute.conf file inside nova_compute container, then restart this container