Tags: darkbuck/tensorflow
Merge pull request tensorflow#35620 from tensorflow-jenkins/version-n… …umbers-2.1.0-23859 Update version numbers for TensorFlow 2.1.0
Merge pull request tensorflow#35238 from ROCmSoftwarePlatform/r2.1-ei… …gen-patch [ROCm][r2.1] eigen patch needed for HIP header changes
Merge pull request tensorflow#35005 from geetachavan1/cherrypicks_3SVHU [r2.1:Cherrypick] Expose ndtri and erfinv under tf.math.ndtri and tf.math.erfinv.
Merge pull request tensorflow#34626 from yifeif/cherrypicks_J8PS0 Move gpu script update to the correct file.
Merge pull request tensorflow#31861 from tensorflow-jenkins/relnotes-… …1.15.0rc0-16184 Update release notes for TensorFlow 1.15.0
Merge pull request tensorflow#33120 from tensorflow/perf [Cherrypick TF1.15] Fix performance slowdown
Merge pull request tensorflow#32936 from gunan/r1.15 Fix typo in libtensorflow cpu build.
Merge pull request tensorflow#32669 from tensorflow/ggadde-cp-19 [r2.0-CherryPick]:[tf.data] Avoid double conversion to a tensor during input normalizat…
Merge pull request tensorflow#32526 from jaingaurav/cherry-1.15-2 [r1.15-CherryPick]:Disallow comparing ObjectIdentityWrapper to others