Given a 3D model of the environment as a prior, incorporates it in SLAM calculations for better accuracy
Clone this package in a catkin workspace, change directory to it and build the package using (given that you have all the dependencies installed):
catkin build --this --no-deps --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
For more detail (or in case your workspace was not setup using catkin-tools
), take a look here.
There are different ways to run MA-LOAM. Read instructions below for more detail.
In cases where only the trajectory is saved in the bag file, we must run Gazebo for the LiDAR scans. To run the given model with gazebo, enter the following command:
roslaunch ma_loam haus_fzk.launch
This will launch the haus_fzk
environment. If the environment name is my_env
, it is expected that the model is under resources/environments/my_env/my_env.stl
. Take a look at the haus_fzk
environment directory for more information. It is also possible that the user want to use a different model for mesh features (for example, empty unfurnished enviroment). For such a case, the model is expected to be in resources/environments/my_env/my_envTAG.stl
. The TAG
can be specified in the launch file. For example, a cleaned environment for haus_fzk
is stored with the name haus_fzk_clean.stl
. Therefore the TAG
is _clean
. To run a simulation where gazebo and mesh correspondences use different model, enter the following:
roslaunch ma_loam haus_fzk.launch mesh_postfix:=_clean
More options can be found in the launch file.
Running with bag files is a bit more tricky as data can be under different topics. Consider a bag with the following structure:
topics: /robot/lidar_3d/points X msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/tf X msgs : tf2_msgs/TFMessage (N connections)
/tf_static X msgs : tf2_msgs/TFMessage
To run the bag file, the PointCloud2
topic must be remapped to /velodyne_points
rosbag play my_bag.bag /robot/lidar_3d/points:=/velodyne_points --topics /robot/lidar_3d/points /tf /tf_static
Additionally, the LiDAR frame is expected to be named velodyne
. In case it is named differently, for example diff_frame
, a simple static frame in the launch file can solve the issue.
<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="$(anon velodyne)" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 1 velodyne diff_frame 1" />
Finally, a frame between robot base_footprint
and velodyne
must be published. This can be set to identity as well. The reason this exist is because usually, the pose is set using the robot base_footprint
. The implementation follows this convention. For a sample launch file, take a look at either haus_fzk_bag.launch
or empty_room.launch
Running your own models should be easy. Just take a look at provided examples and follow the naming convention for the environment files.
For trajectories evaluation, evo tools are used.
To record the optimized pose, run the following:
rosbag record -O traj.bag /optimized_pose /tf /tf_static
To evaluate the translation and rotational absolute pose errors with respect to the ground truth:
evo_ape bag traj.bag /tf:world.velodyne /optimized_pose -v -p --plot_mode xy --t_max_diff 0.05 # Translation
evo_ape bag traj.bag /tf:world.velodyne /optimized_pose -v -p --plot_mode xy --t_max_diff 0.05 --pose_relation angle_deg # Rotation
It is also possible to extract the trajectories from different bags and compare them. For example:
evo_traj bag my_bag.bag /tf:robot_odom.robot_top_3d_laser_link --save_as_tum
mv tf_robot_odom.robot_top_3d_laser_link.tum gt_odom.tum
evo_traj bag traj.bag /optimized_pose --save_as_tum
mv optimized_pose.tum ma_loam.tum
evo_ape tum gt_odom.tum aloam.tum -av -p --plot_mode xy --t_max_diff 0.05 # With Umeyama alignment with -a flag
For MA-LOAM to work, a good initial pose estimate is necessary. The user should provide it in the launch file if known. Alternatively, DGR can be used for the initial pose estimate. Due to multiple extra requirements to run DGR, it is not integrated directly to the MA-LOAM pipeline. Instructions on how to run DGR can be found on their official website (requires a lot of packages like CUDA, pytorch complied for GPU, and Minkowski Engine to name a few). Once setup, download ResUNetBN2C-feat32-kitti-v0.3.pth
from the official repository of DGR. The script named scripts/dgr_mod/
can then be used to estimate the initial pose. Remember to provide both the environment model and the scan as pcd
files. The implementation was updated to support API changes in open3d.0.13.0
. The official implementation may be used as well in case of older version of open3d.