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Darktrace vSensor Quickstart for Azure


This document intends to describe how to use the provided Terraform module to deploy automatically scaling Darktrace vSensors in Microsoft Azure.

The Darktrace vSensor is a lightweight virtual probe intended for deployment in cloud-based networks or environments where it is not feasible to deploy a physical probe, such as virtualized networks. In an Azure public cloud environment, vSensors can be deployed as an automatic virtual machine scale set that collects packets from osSensor agents deployed on the VMs that are to be monitored.

In addition to processing and transmitting network traffic, vSensors can ingest and forward syslog-format logs to the Darktrace master instance. VPN and DHCP logs can provide valuable device-tracking enrichment and custom event types derived from ingested log data. This can be used to integrate with a number of third-party tools.


Darktrace vSensor Architecture Diagram

In brief, the module will perform the following:

  • Create a dedicated Resource Group (optional).
  • Create a Virtual Network (optional).
  • Create a Subnet for the vSensors (optional).
  • Create a Subnet and deploy Azure Bastion to allow access to manage the vSensors (optional).
  • Create an Azure Storage Account and Blob Container to hold PCAP data for a configurable retention period (optional).
  • Spin up the requested number of compatible base OS VMs in the existing VNet as part of a Virtual Machine Scale Set.
  • Automatically download and install the Darktrace vSensor.
    Note: a valid Darktrace Update Key is required for this. Please contact your Darktrace representative if you do not possess this.
  • The vSensors will self-configure. As part of the configuration the vSensor will automatically:
    • Configure automatic OS and Darktrace software updates.
    • Connect and register to the Darktrace master instance (virtual/physical) using the Push Token that has already been generated (on the same master instance).
    • Add the osSensor HMAC Token to allow osSensors to authenticate.
    • Configure the PCAP storage to the shared Blob Container.
  • A load balancer is configured with private resolving DNS FQDN to distribute osSensor registrations between available vSensors.
  • A Log Analytics workspace is created to house vSensor logs for Azure.
  • Deploy an Azure Private Link Service for connecting osSensors outside of the vSensor VNet (optional).


In Microsoft Azure, the configuration and maintenance of the virtual switches is automated and removed from the user’s control. As a result of this lack of access, a direct SPAN cannot be setup from the virtual switch to the vSensor.

In this environment, the Darktrace osSensor - a lightweight host-based server agent - is used to send a feed from all monitored VMs directly to the vSensor.

These osSensors can be manually installed quickly and simply. However, for large environments there are a number of tools that can be used to facilitate the deployment of osSensors in bulk, such as Ansible, Terraform, and Run Commands. For an in-depth guide on each of these, please see the relevant documentation.


In Microsoft Azure, all VMs are separated into virtual networks (VNets) which are logically separated from each other. A vSensor must be placed in each VNet to ensure total coverage of your Azure environment.

It is possible for VNets to be ‘peered’ and for data to be sent across VNets or via Private Link, thus reducing the number of vSensors needing to be deployed. However, this should be carefully considered before implementing as cross regional data transfer can incur a significant financial cost, as well as potential legal and compliance issues surrounding data residency.

Pre-deployment Requirements

Virtual Network

The module can be used to deploy vSensor(s) in an existing Virtual Network (VNet) and subnet, or it can deploy its own network environement. When providing an existing VNet, it must have space for up to 2 Subnets to be created:

  • A larger subnet for the number of expected vSensors deployed (/24 recommended).
  • A small subnet for the Azure Bastion: /26 or larger, see Azure Docs (optional).

If you are providing an existing vSensor subnet, ensure a large enough CIDR range is provided, as above.

If the module is to create the VNet and subnets, ensure your privided CIDR ranges are suitable.

If you already use Azure Bastion in your existing VNet, disable creating a bastion in this module to avoid conflict failure.

Resource Group

The Resource Group (RG) is where the new resources’ metadata will be stored. The resources will be placed in the new/existing RG of the deployment, which may be separate from the VNet for easier management. Any subnets created will still be created within the existing VNet's RG.

Network Security Group

The template will create a new Network Security Group (NSG) that permits outbound access to the Darktrace Update Packages CDN and the configured master instance on HTTP/HTTPS. It also allows osSensor inbound connectivity on HTTP/HTTPS.

Lastly, it will enable access for SSH management from (private) IP addresses and/or IP Ranges specified in the 'ssh_cidrs' variable.

VM Sizes

The VM size should be decided based on the vSensor Requirements as described in the ‘Example Sizings’ in the below link:

Various recommended sizes have been provided below, from small burstable CPU sizes for small levels of traffic to large 32 core sizes for high levels of traffic:

  • Standard_B2ms
  • Standard_D2_v3
  • Standard_D4_v3
  • Standard_D8_v3
  • Standard_D8s_v5
  • Standard_D16s_v5
  • Standard_D32s_v5

Note that, vSensor performance will vary by CPU speed and the nature of the traffic - estimated sizings are provided for guidance only.

We recommend you choose instance sizes:

  • Large enough that traffic spikes don't require large numbers of machines to be scaled up.
  • Small enough that low traffic (i.e. outside business hours) doesn't waste too many compute resources.

The disk size in this template is fixed, since PCAPs are stored via a configurable PCAP retention policy (in days). Note that changing the retention policy will affect deployment costs based on the ongoing amount of traffic ingested.

Admin User SSH Authentication

vSensors will be configured with the admin username and SSH public key provided only, no password login will be accepted. Ensure you possess and keep the correct private key for later use.

Darktrace Master Communication

To connect and register the vSensor to the Darktrace master instance (or Cloud Master) the following is required:

  • The Darktrace master instance’s FQDN or IP and HTTPS port (typically 443/TCP).
  • The push token (generated on the Darktrace Master System Config page).
  • Access to the master instance’s FQDN or IP and port.

osSensor Connectivity

The template will expect the osSensor HMAC Token to be provided so it can configure it as part of the automated configuration.

When an osSensor is in the same VNet, use the DNS FQDN of the load balancer frontend provided in the module outputs under os_sensor_vsensor_fqdn. This DNS entry will remain constant between terraform destroy/modifications as long as the same short_id is used, such that osSensors do not need to be reconfigured after initial deployment.

Azure Private Link

Azure Private Link is also supported to allow osSensors to be connected from across your Azure environment, including on-premise, other regions and other subscriptions. This means you can deploy fewer instances of Darktrace vSensor in large environments for easier management and lower compute costs.

Enabling the private_link_enable variable will do the following:

  • Create a Azure Private Link Service in the vSensor subnet with TCP Proxy v2 support enabled.
  • Create a secondary load balancer frontend such that both local VNet (non-proxy) and Private Link (proxy) osSensors are supported simultaneously.
  • Configure vSensors to accept TCP Proxy v2 protocol from the created Private Link service and load balancer health probes (, see Microsoft documentation) via IP address firewalling.
  • Configures all osSensor traffic to travel through the load balancer, rather than taking a direct route after vSensor discovery and registration. PLEASE NOTE: This will also incur extra bandwidth costs for local osSensors.

When using Azure Private Link, osSensors must be configured with the IP address or DNS of the Private Link Endpoint you manually create and connect to the provided Private Link Service, named under deployment output ossensor_private_link_service_id.

NOTE: The use of TCP Proxy v2 is required with Private Link Services so that osSensors can be separately identified. Overlapping osSensor IPs are not supported.

NOTE: Private Link Service Network Policies must be disabled before using an existing vSensor subnet when enabling Private Link in this module. See Microsoft documentation

Access to the vSensor

The vSensors created will not have public IPs associated. Exposing a vSensor via a public IP carries additional security burden and is not a requirement of push token authentication with the master instance.

It is expected that there is already a solution in place to access the VMs in the VNet via their private IP. If one is not present, the module can install a Azure Bastion Host and subnet to the VNet using the 'bastion_enable' variable. Don't select this option if you already have a Azure Bastion in your VNet.

If there is a virtual firewall on your network, please ensure access is granted to the vSensor to the Darktrace instance FQDN/port or IP/port, as well as to *, and on port 80/TCP and 443/TCP. The deployed NSG will attempt to configure this access.

Existing Subnet Deployments

If you are deploying into an existing subnet, you must allow internet access on ports 443 and 80 to allow vSensor installation and updates from and (and to your master, if applicable). See for the required access. If this access is not configured before deployment of this module, the "DarktraceVSensorInstaller" VM Extension will fail to install.

NOTE: when deploying with PCAP storage, you must include Microsoft.Storage in your subnet resource service_endpoints parameter and include the module output pcaps_service_endpoint_policy_id in the service_endpoint_policy_ids parameter BEFORE deploying this module. This allows PCAP storage requests to go via a private endpoint to Azure Storage for further increased security, public access is disabled.

You may need to include references to your existing Resource Group and VNet in the module as a depends_on, see Deploy Darktrace vSensor into an existing VNet / subnet below.


Please note an explicit provider configuration is required to apply storage_use_azuread = true configuration to the module, see below.

It is also recommended the Terraform state is encrypted as it will contain the sensitive keys provided in the module variables. See Sensitive Data in State.

Deploy Darktrace vSensor into a new VNet

This example shows a fully featured module in a new resource group, with PCAP storage, Azure Bastion and Private Link deployed into a new VNet with NAT Gateway for internet access.

provider "azurerm" {
  alias = "azurerm_darktrace"
  features {
  # Use AzureAD for storage rather than shared keys.
  # We have disabled shared keys. Some features we are not using require this default false due to incomplete API.
  storage_use_azuread = true #

module "vsensors" {
  source = "git::<version>"

  location = "West Europe"
  short_id = "example-deployment"

  zones = [1, 2]

  vnet_cidr           = ""
  subnet_cidr         = ""
  nat_gw_enable       = true
  bastion_enable      = true
  bastion_subnet_cidr = ""

  terraform_cidrs = [""]

  instance_size = "Standard_D2_v3"
  min_size      = 1
  max_size      = 5

  ssh_admin_username = "darktrace"
  ssh_pubkey         = "XXXXXXXXXXX"


  instance_host_name = ""
  push_token         = "AAAAAAAAAAA:BBBBBBBBBBB"

  os_sensor_hmac_token = "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"

  lifecycle_pcaps_blob_days = 14

  private_link_enable = true

  tags = {
    "example-name" : "example-value"

  providers = {
    azurerm = azurerm.azurerm_darktrace


Deploy Darktrace vSensor into an existing VNet / subnet

This example shows a more limited deployment into an existing resource group, existing VNet with an existing route table for internet access. No PCAP storage.

Note the depends_on used for Resource Group and VNet. This may be required when the resources are created within the same terraform codebase and do not exist before deploying the module.

This extra configuration allows the RG and VNet to be created first.

provider "azurerm" {
  alias = "azurerm_darktrace"
  features {
  # Use AzureAD for storage rather than shared keys.
  # We have disabled shared keys. Some features we are not using require this default false due to incomplete API.
  storage_use_azuread = true #

module "vsensors" {
  source = "git::<version>"

  location = "West Europe"
  short_id = "example-deployment"

  rg_name = "existing-resource-group"

  vnet_name   = "existing-vnet-name"
  vnet_rg     = "existing-resource-group"
  subnet_name = "existing-subnet"

  nat_gw_enable    = false
  route_table_name = "existing-route-table"
  route_table_rg   = "existing-route-table-resource-group"

  ssh_cidrs       = [""]
  terraform_cidrs = [""]

  instance_size = "Standard_D2_v3"
  min_size      = 1
  max_size      = 5

  ssh_admin_username = "darktrace"
  ssh_pubkey         = "XXXXXXXXXXX"


  instance_host_name = ""
  instance_port      = 443
  instance_proxy     = "http://proxy.local:3128"
  push_token         = "AAAAAAAAAAA:BBBBBBBBBBB"

  os_sensor_hmac_token = "CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC"

  lifecycle_pcaps_blob_days = 0

  providers = {
    azurerm = azurerm.azurerm_darktrace

  #depends_on = [ azurerm_resource_group.rg_existing, azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_existing ]


Name Version
terraform >= 1.5
azurerm ~> 3.85
random ~> 3.5


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_bastion_host.bastion resource resource
azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool.lb_backend resource
azurerm_lb_probe.lb_probe_http resource
azurerm_lb_probe.lb_probe_http_proxy resource
azurerm_lb_probe.lb_probe_https resource
azurerm_lb_probe.lb_probe_https_proxy resource
azurerm_lb_rule.lb_rule_http resource
azurerm_lb_rule.lb_rule_http_proxy resource
azurerm_lb_rule.lb_rule_https resource
azurerm_lb_rule.lb_rule_https_proxy resource
azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set.vsensor_vmss resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.vsensor_logs resource
azurerm_monitor_autoscale_setting.vmss_autoscale resource
azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule.vsensor_data_collection resource
azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association.vsensor_data_collection_assoc resource
azurerm_nat_gateway.natgw resource
azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association.natgw_public_ip_association resource
azurerm_network_security_group.vsensors_vmss_nsg resource
azurerm_private_dns_a_record.ossensor_lb_dns_record resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.ossensor_lb_zone resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.ossensor_lb_vnet_link resource
azurerm_private_link_service.ossensor_private_link resource
azurerm_public_ip.bastion_public_ip resource
azurerm_public_ip.natgw_public_ip resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
azurerm_role_assignment.pcaps_role_blob_contrib resource
azurerm_role_assignment.pcaps_role_storage_contrib resource
azurerm_storage_account.pcaps_storage_account resource
azurerm_storage_account_network_rules.pcaps_storage_network resource
azurerm_storage_container.pcaps_storage_container resource
azurerm_storage_management_policy.pcaps_storage_policy resource
azurerm_subnet.bastion_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet.vsensor_subnet resource
azurerm_subnet_nat_gateway_association.vsensor_subnet_natgw resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.vsensors_vmss_nsg_asoc resource
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association.vsensor_existing_route_table_assoc resource
azurerm_subnet_service_endpoint_storage_policy.pcaps_service_endpoint_policy resource
azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension.azure_monitor_extension resource
azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set_extension.vsensor_install resource
azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_new resource
random_uuid.pcap_uuid resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg_existing data source
azurerm_resource_group.vnet_rg_existing data source
azurerm_route_table.vsensor_existing_route_table data source
azurerm_subnet.vsensor_subnet_existing data source
azurerm_subscription.subscription data source
azurerm_virtual_network.vnet_existing data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_enable Deploy a Azure Bastion host to access your vSensor deployment. If 'false' is selected, configure your ssh access manually after deployment. bool false no
bastion_subnet_cidr CIDR IP range of the private subnet the Azure Bastion will be deployed in (if deployed). This must be an unused range within the supplied vNet. E.g. If Bastion Enable is false, this value will be ignored. string null no
instance_host_name The FQDN or IP of the Darktrace master instance (virtual/physical). string n/a yes
instance_port Connection port between vSensor and the Darktrace Master instance. number 443 no
instance_proxy (Optional) A proxy that should be specified in the format http://user:pass@hostname:port. string "" no
instance_size The VM size. Check the Darktrace customer portal for more information about the vSensor Virtual Hardware requirements. string "Standard_D2_v3" no
lifecycle_pcaps_blob_days Number of days to retain captured packets in Azure Blob Storage. Longer retention will increase storage costs. Set to 0 to disable PCAP storage. number 7 no
location Location for all resources. Leave blank for Resource Group location. string "" no
max_size The maximum number of vSensors to be deployed by auto-scaling during high traffic. number 5 no
min_size The minimum number of vSensors to auto-scale down to. number 2 no
nat_gw_enable Deploy a NAT Gateway in the Virtual Network. If using an existing VNet and are using other firewall configurations, false may be required. bool true no
os_sensor_hmac_token The hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) token to authenticate osSensors with vSensor. string n/a yes
private_link_enable If true will create a private link service to attach osSensors from other networks. bool false no
push_token Push token to authenticate with the appliance. Should be generated on the Darktrace master instance."
For more information, see the Darktrace Customer Portal ("
string n/a yes
rg_name Name of an existing resource group to deploy the quickstart into. Leave blank to let the quickstart create one. string "" no
route_table_name If not deploying a NAT Gateway, you may need to provide an existing route table to attach to the new deployed vSensor subnet to allow internet routing. string "" no
route_table_rg The Resource Group the existing Route Table (if provided) is deployed in. Default is same resource group as the VNet. string "" no
short_id A short (upto 20 character alphanumeric) string to prefix resource names by (where available). string n/a yes
ssh_admin_username Administrator username to be created when the vSensor is spun up. string "darktrace" no
ssh_cidrs Provide a private address range using CIDR notation (e.g., or an IP address (e.g. for Management access via ssh (port 22/TCP). list(any) null no
ssh_pubkey Public key for the admin username to ssh to the vSensors. Note that password authentication over ssh for newly created VMs is disabled string n/a yes
subnet_cidr CIDR IP range of the new private subnet the vSensors will be deployed in. This is ignored if an existing subnet_name is provided. This must be an unused range within the supplied VNet. E.g. string null no
subnet_name Existing Subnet name (within existing provided vnet_name) that the vSensors should be launched into. Must have 'Microsoft.Storage' Service Endpoint configured. string "" no
tags Tags to apply to all compatible resources. The template will also add tags for the deployment prefix. map(string) {} no
terraform_cidrs Allowed Public CIDR blocks where terraform will execute from. This is required to apply access rules for PCAP storage, whilst also allowing terraform to manage resources. This is due to a limitation with the Azure provider/API. list(any) n/a yes
update_key Darktrace Update Key needed to install the vSensor package. Contact your Darktrace representative for more information. string n/a yes
vnet_cidr The IPv4 CIDR block for deploying a new VNet. This is ignored if an existing vnet_name is provided. Default string null no
vnet_name Name of the existing Virtual Network to be monitored, should be in the same location as this deployment/resource group. Leave blank to deploy a new VNet. string "" no
vnet_rg The Resource Group the existing Virtual Network is deployed in. Default is same RG. string null no
zones Availability Zone numbers to deploy the vSensors. At least two availablity zones are required. Defaults to random assignment. list(number) [] no


Name Description
nat_external_ip IP Address of the external NAT Gateway. Permit this IP to access the Darktrace master instance. Darktrace Cloud instances are already configured for this access.
nat_external_ip_id ID of the external NAT Gateway.
os_sensor_vsensor_cidr IP address CIDR of the vSensors to allow from osSensors via any relevent firewall rules.
os_sensor_vsensor_fqdn Private DNS address of the vSensor Load Balancer which should be configured on the osSensor.
ossensor_private_link_service_id ID of the Private Link Service (if created) to allow osSensors from other networks.
pcaps_service_endpoint_policy_id Service endpoint policy for the created PCAPs storage account. Attach this to an existing subnet terraform resource with service_endpoint_policy_ids
pcaps_storage_account_id ID of the Storage account (if created) to store PCAP data for later retrieval from the Threat Visualizer UI.
pcaps_storage_account_name Name of the Storage account (if created) to store PCAP data for later retrieval from the Threat Visualizer UI.
pcaps_storage_container_id ID of the Storage Blob Container (if created) to store PCAP data for later retrieval from the Threat Visualizer UI.
pcaps_storage_container_name Name of the Storage Blob Container (if created) to store PCAP data for later retrieval from the Threat Visualizer UI.
rg_location Resource Group Location of the provided or new resource group for the created resources.
rg_name Resource Group Name of the provided or new resource group for the created resources.
vnet_bastion_id Resource ID of the Azure Bastion, if created.
vnet_bastion_name Name of the Azure Bastion, if created.
vnet_bastion_subnet_id Subnet ID of the Azure Bastion, if created.
vnet_id Resource ID of the deployment Virtual Network either created by or passed into this module.
vnet_name Name of the deployment Virtual Network either created by or passed into this module.
vnet_vsensor_subnet_id Resource ID of the deployment vSensor Subnet either created by or passed into this module.
vnet_vsensor_subnet_name Name of the deployment vSensor Subnet either created by or passed into this module.


Terraform module for deploying Darktrace vSensor in Azure







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