Install web-ext
npm install web-ext
web-ext run
web-ext build
- prettier logo
- maybe open on click
- maybe integrate if anyone wants to - see _old/
- make refresh interval configurable through "options_ui" in manifest.json
- Update version in
web-ext build
- Sign as specified further below
- create a new release on GitHub with the tag = version number, but prefixed with 'v'
- attach the .xpi to the release and copy the link to it by right clicking on the file in the release list
- add the new version to update.json, using the link you just copied
Key and Secret can be obtained with an Mozilla Addons account.
ID has to be specified if you're not @fridtjof (I signed 0.0.1 with my account, and I think IDs are global)
web-ext sign --api-key="" --api-secret="" --id=""