ElasticRecord is an Elasticsearch 7.x ORM.
Include ElasticRecord into your model:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
include ElasticRecord::Model
There are two ways to set up which server to connect to:
# config/initializers/elastic_search.rb
ElasticRecord.configure do |config|
config.servers = "es1.example.com:9200"
# config/elasticsearch.yml:
servers: es1.example.com:9200
timeout: 10
retries: 2
ElasticRecord adds the method 'elastic_search' to your models. It works similar to active_record scoping:
search = Product.elastic_search
If a simple hash is passed into filter, a term or terms query is created:
search.filter(color: 'red') # Creates a 'term' filter
search.filter(color: %w(red blue)) # Creates a 'terms' filter
search.filter(color: nil) # Creates a 'must not exist' filter
If a hash containing hashes is passed into filter, it is used directly as a filter DSL expression:
search.filter(prefix: { name: "Sca" }) # Creates a prefix filter
An Arelastic object can also be passed in, working similarily to Arel:
# Name starts with 'Sca'
# Name does not start with 'Sca'
# Size is greater than 5
Helpful Arel builders can be found at https://github.com/matthuhiggins/arelastic/blob/master/lib/arelastic/builders/queries.rb.
To create a query string, pass a string to search.query:
search.query("red AND fun*") # Creates {query_string: {"red AND fun*"}}
Complex queries are done using either a hash or an arelastic object:
search.query(match: {description: "amazing"})
search.order(:price) # sort by price
search.order(:color, :price) # sort by color, then price
search.order(price: :desc) # sort by price in descending order
To change the 'size' and 'from' values of a query, use offset and limit:
search.limit(40).offset(80) # Creates a query with {size: 40, from: 80}
Aggregations are added with the aggregate method:
search.aggregate('popular_colors' => {'terms' => {'field' => 'color'}})
Results are retrieved at query time within aggregations
search = search.aggregate('popular_colors' => {'terms' => {'field' => 'color'}})
A search object behaves similar to an active_record scope, implementing a few methods of its own and delegating the rest to Array, and your class.
search.count # Return the number of search results
search.first # Limit results to 1 and return the first result or nil
search.find(id) # Add an ids filter to the existing query
search.as_elastic # Return the json hash that will be sent to elastic search.
The search object behaves like an array when necessary:
search.each do |product|
Class methods can be executed within scopes:
class Product
def self.increase_prices
all.each do { |product| product.increment(:price, 10) }
# Increase the price of all red products by $10.
Product.filter(color: 'red').increase_prices
ElasticRecord supports representing query documents as a model. Queries are registered and unregistered as query models are created and destroyed.
First, include ElasticRecord::PercolatorModel
into your model. Specify the target model to percolate and how the model should be indexed as an ElasticSearch query.
class ProductQuery
include ElasticRecord::PercolatorModel
self.percolates_model = Product
def as_search_document(**)
Product.filter(status: status).as_elastic
Use the percolate
method to find records with queries that match.
product = Product.new(price: 5.99)
matching_product_queries = ProductQuery.percolate(product)
To avoid elasticsearch dynamically mapping fields, you can directly configure elastic_index.mapping
and elastic_index.settings
class Product
include ElasticRecord::Model
elastic_index.mapping = {
properties: {
name: {type: "text"},
status: {type: "keyword"}
When one model inherits from another, ElasticRecord makes some assumptions about how the child index should be configured. By default:
- Same as parentmapping
- Same as parentsettings
- Same as parent
These can all be overridden. For instance, it might be desirable for the child documents to be in a separate index.
ElasticSearch supports declaring a join field that specifies a parent-child relationship between documents of different types in the same index (docs). ElasticRecord provides a short-(but not-so-short)-cut for declaring the mapping:
class State
include ElasticRecord::Model
class City
include ElasticRecord::Model
class PostalCode
include ElasticRecord::Model
class Country
include ElasticRecord::Model
join_field: 'pick_a_name_for_the_join_field',
children: [
{ zip: PostalCode },
ElasticRecord::Model::Joining::JoinChild.new(klass: City, parent_id_accessor: :country_code)
accepts an optional name
argument, with a sane default. In the above example, it would default to country
. The name can later be used to construct has_parent
ElasticRecord will define a getter method with the same name as the value provided to join_field
on both the parent and all children (and grandchildren).
The children
argument can be:
- a
that includesElasticRecord::Model
- a
(with names as keys and classes as values) - an instance of
(when you need to override any of the options below besidesname
) - or an Array containing any combination thereof.
accepts additional, optional arguments:
: defaults to the snake case version of the value provided toklass
in the example above). Can be used to constructhas_child
: Another instance of::ElasticRecord::Model::Joining::JoinChild
or an Array of instances. Defaults to an empty Array. Theoretically, an arbitrary number of layers of parent-child joins can be achieved this way.parent_id_accessor
: Determines how the ID of the parent is retrieved. Can be a proc, which will be executed in the context of the child object, or a symbol corresponding to the name of a method defined on the child object. In the above example, it would default tocountry_id
: Determines how the parent is retrieved. Can be a proc, which will be executed in the context of the child object, or a symbol corresponding to the name of a method defined on the child object. In the above example, it would default tocountry
. The is used to retrieve routing for multi-layered parent-child joins.
Note: Creating, deleting and updating mapping on the index must be handled via the Top-Level parent. In the above example, running rake index:create CLASS=State
would have no effect.
To fetch documents without an additional request to a backing ActiveRecord database you can load the documents from _source
Product.elastic_index.loading_from_source do
Product.elastic_search.filter(name: "Pizza")
Call load_from_source!
to configure an index without ActiveRecord. Finder methods will be
delegated to the ElasticRecord module.
class Product
include ActiveModel::Model
include ElasticRecord::Record
If you need to manage multiple indexes via the rake tasks, you will need to declare them explicitly:
ElasticRecord.configure do |config|
config.model_names = %w(Product Order Location)
Create the index:
rake index:create CLASS=Product
Core and Index APIs can be accessed with Product.elastic_index. Some examples include:
Product.elastic_index.create_and_deploy # Create a new index
Product.elastic_index.reset # Delete related indexes and deploy a new one
Product.elastic_index.refresh # Call the refresh API
Product.elastic_index.get_mapping # Get the index mapping defined by elastic search
Product.elastic_index.update_mapping # Update the elastic search mapping of the current index
# Setup the database
$ cp test/dummy/.env.example test/dummy/.env
$ bundle exec rake app:db:prepare app:index:reset
$ bundle exec rake app:db:prepare RAILS_ENV=test
# Run tests
$ bundle exec rake