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insta-infra services

A simple, fast CLI tool for spinning up data infrastructure services using Docker or Podman.


  • Run data infrastructure services with a single command
  • Supports both Docker and Podman container runtimes
  • Embed all configuration files in the binary for easy distribution
  • Optional data persistence
  • Connect to services with pre-configured environment variables


From Source

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd insta-infra

# Build and install
make install

Using Go

go install


  • Docker (20.10+) or Podman (3.0+)
  • For Docker: Docker Compose plugin
  • For Podman: Podman Compose plugin or podman-compose


# List available services
insta -l

# Start a service
insta postgres

# Start multiple services
insta postgres mysql elasticsearch

# Start a service with persistent data
insta -p postgres

# Connect to a running service
insta -c postgres

# Shutdown services
insta -d postgres

# Shutdown all services
insta -d

# Explicitly start a service in docker or podman
insta -r docker postgres
insta -r podman postgres

# Show help
insta -h

# Show version
insta -v

Data Persistence

By default, all data is stored in memory and will be lost when the containers are stopped. To enable persistence, use the -p flag:

insta -p postgres

This will store data in ~/.insta/data/<service_name>/persist/.


Project Structure

├── cmd/
│   └── insta/          # Main CLI application
│       ├── container/  # Container runtime implementations
│       ├── resources/  # Embedded resources
│       │   ├── data/   # Service configuration files
│       │   └── *.yaml  # Docker compose files
│       ├── models.go   # Service definitions
│       └── main.go     # CLI entry point
├── tests/              # Integration tests
├── Makefile            # Build and development tasks
└──           # Documentation

Development Workflow

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make changes
  3. Run tests: make test
  4. Build: make build
  5. Run: ./insta

Adding a New Service

  1. Add service configuration to docker-compose.yaml
  2. Add service definition to models.go
  3. Add any necessary initialization scripts to cmd/insta/resources/data/<service_name>/
  4. Update tests


Service Type Service Supported
Api Gateway kong
Cache redis
Change Data Capture debezium
Code Analysis sonarqube
Database cassandra
Database cockroachdb
Database elasticsearch
Database mariadb
Database mongodb
Database mssql
Database mysql
Database neo4j
Database opensearch
Database postgres
Database spanner
Database sqlite
Data Catalog amundsen
Data Catalog datahub
Data Catalog marquez
Data Catalog openmetadata
Data Catalog polaris
Data Catalog unitycatalog
Data Collector fluentd
Data Collector logstash
Data Visualisation blazer
Data Visualisation evidence
Data Visualisation metabase
Data Visualisation redash
Data Visualisation superset
Distributed Coordination zookeeper
Distributed Data Processing flink
Identity Management keycloak
Job Orchestrator airflow
Job Orchestrator dagster
Job Orchestrator mage-ai
Job Orchestrator prefect
Messaging activemq
Messaging kafka
Messaging rabbitmq
Messaging solace
Notebook jupyter
Object Storage minio
Query Engine duckdb
Query Engine flight-sql
Query Engine presto
Query Engine trino
Real-time OLAP clickhouse
Real-time OLAP doris
Real-time OLAP druid
Real-time OLAP pinot
Schema Registry confluent-schema-registry
Test Data Management data-caterer
Web Server httpbin
Web Server httpd
Workflow maestro
Workflow temporal


Using the CLI

The easiest way to update is using the built-in update command:

insta -u

This will automatically:

  1. Check for the latest version
  2. Download the appropriate binary for your platform
  3. Install the update
  4. Create a backup of the old version

Using Package Managers

If you installed via a package manager, you can update using the standard update commands:

# Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

# RHEL/CentOS/Fedora
sudo dnf update
# or
sudo yum update

# Arch Linux
sudo pacman -Syu

# macOS (Homebrew)
brew upgrade

# Windows (Chocolatey)
choco upgrade insta

Manual Update

If you prefer to update manually:

  1. Download the latest release from the GitHub releases page
  2. Replace your existing binary with the new one
  3. Make sure the binary is executable: chmod +x insta