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Evaluation code for using probabilistic detection quality (PDQ) measure for probabilistic object detection tasks. Currently supports COCO and robotic vision challenge (RVC) data.


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QUT Centre for Robotics Open Source

Probability-based Detection Quality (PDQ)

This repository contains the implementation of the probability-based detection quality (PDQ) evaluation measure. This enables quantitative analysis of the spatial and semantic uncertainties output by a probabilistic object detecttion (PrOD) system. This repository provides tools for analysing PrOD detections and classical detections using mAP, moLRP, and PDQ (note that PDQ results will be low for a classical detector and mAP and moLRP scores will likely be low for PrOD detections). Evaluation can be performed both on COCO formatted data and on RVC1 (PrOD challenge) formatted data. The repository also provides visualization tools to enable fine-grained analysis of PDQ results as shown below.

PrOD evaluation visualization image examples

The code here, particularly for evaluating RVC1 data is based heavily on the PrOD challenge code which can be found here:

Note that some extra funcitonality for PDQ outside of what is reported in the original paper and challenge is also provided such as evaluating results using the bounding boxes of the ground-truth segmentation masks, probabilistic segmentation evaluation, a greedy alternative to PDQ.

For further details on the robotic vision challenges please see the following links for more details:

Citing PDQ

If you are using PDQ in your research, please cite the paper below:

  title={Probabilistic object detection: Definition and evaluation},
  author={Hall, David and Dayoub, Feras and Skinner, John and Zhang, Haoyang and Miller, Dimity and Corke, Peter and Carneiro, Gustavo and Angelova, Anelia and S{\"u}nderhauf, Niko},
  booktitle={The IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},


Install all python requirements

This code comes with a requirements.txt file. Make sure you have installed all libraries as part of your working environment.

Install COCO mAP API

After installing all requirements, you will need to have a fully installed implementation of the COCO API located somewhere on your machine. You can download this API here

Once this is downloaded and installed, you need to adjust the system path on line 11 of and line 16 of to match the PythonAPI folder of your COCO API installation.

Add LRP Evaluation Code

You will also require code for using LRP evaluation measures. To do this you need to simply copy the file from the LRP github repository to the pycocotools folder within the PythonAPI. You can download the specific file here You can clone the original repository here

After is located in your pycocotools folder, simply adjust the system path on line 11 of to match your PythonAPI folder.


All evaluation code is run on detections saved in .json files formatted as required by the RVC outlined later on. A variation to this is also available for probabilistic segmentation format also described later. If you are evaluating on COCO data and have saved detections in COCO format, you can convert to RVC1 format using When you have the appropriate files, you can evaluate on mAP, moLRP, and PDQ with After evaluation is complete, you can visualise your detections for a sequence of images w.r.t. PDQ using

Evaluation is currently organised so that you can evaluate either on COCO data, or on RVC1 data. Note that RVC1 data expects multiple sequences rather than a single folder of data.

RVC1 Detection Format

RVC1 detections are saved in a single .json file per sequence being evaluated. Each .json file is formatted as follows:

  "classes": [<an ordered list of class names>],
  "detections": [
        "bbox": [x1, y1, x2, y2],
        "covars": [
          [[xx1, xy1],[xy1, yy1]],
          [[xx2, xy2],[xy2, yy2]]
        "label_probs": [<an ordered list of probabilities for each class>]

Important Notes

The two covariance matrices in covars need to be positive semi-definite in order for the code to work. A covariance matrix C is positive semi-definite when its eigenvalues are not negative. You can easily check this condition in python with the following function:

def is_pos_semidefinite(C):
    return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(C) >= 0)

Probabilistic Segmentation Detections

We now accommodate a way to submit probabilistic segmentation detections. For this format, a .npy file for each image stores all detection probabilistic segmentation heatmaps for that image. This 3D array's shape is m x h x w where m is the number of segmentation masks, h is the image height, and w is the image width. Each detection dictionary now contains the location the .npy file associated with the detection and the mask id for the specific detection. You may also define a bounding box to replace the probabilistic segmentation for bounding-box detections and define a chosen class to use for mAP and moLRP evaluation (rather than always using max class of label_probs).

Expected format for probabilistic segmentation detection files is as follows:

  "classes": [<an ordered list of class names>],
  "detections": [
        "label_probs": [<an ordered list of probabilities for each class>],
        "masks_file": "<location of .npy file holding probabilistic segmentation mask>",
        "mask_id": <index of this detection's mask in mask_file's numpy array>,
        "label": <chosen label within label_probs> (optional),
        "bbox": [x1, y1, x2, y2] (optional for use in mAP and moLRP),

To convert coco detections to rvc format simply run:

python --coco_gt <gt_json_file> --coco_det <det_json_file> --rvc1_det <output_json_file>

where <gt_json_file> is the coco format ground-truth json filename, det_json_file is the coco format detection json filename, and output_file is the json filename you will save your rvc1 formatted detections json file.

Important Notes

By default, coco json format does not come with the predicted scores for all the classes available, in which case the conversion script will just extract the score of the chosen class and distribute remaining probability across all others classes. However, this will produce incorrect measures of label quality because it is the probability estimated by the detector for the object's ground-truth class, which might not correspond to the chosen class. To facilitate correct measurements, if a detection element in the coco json file (det_json_file) comes with a key all_scores, the conversion script will consider it as an array of all the scores, and use it instead of the default behaviour.

Also, by default, coco json format does not consider the existence of a covariance matrix which is needed for PDQ calculations. The conversion script assigns by default a zero'ed covariance matrix, but if a detection element in the coco json file (det_json_file) comes with a key covars, the conversion script will use that covariance matrix instead of the default one with zeros. Please refer to the previous section RVC1 Detection Format for further information on how covars should be formatted in the json file.

To perform full evaluation simply run:

python --test_set <test_type> --gt_loc <gt_location> --det_loc <det_location> --save_folder <save_folder> --set_cov <cov> --num_workers <num_workers>

Optional flags for new functionality include --bbox_gt, --segment_mode, --greedy_mode, and --prob_seg. There is also an --mAP_heatmap flag but that should not generally be used.

  • <test_type> is a string defining whether we are evaluating COCO or RVC1 data. Options are 'coco' and 'rvc1'

  • <gt_location> is a string defining either the location of a ground-truth .json file (coco tests) or a folder of ground truth sequences (rvc1 data). Which one it is interpreted as is defined by <test_type>

  • <det_loc> is a string defining either the location of a detection .json file (coco data) or a folder of .json files for multiple sequences (rvc1 data). Which one it is interpreted as is defined by <test_type>. Note that these detection files must be in rvc1 format.

  • <save_folder> is a string defining the folder where analysis will be stored in form of scores.txt, and files for visualisations

  • <cov> is an optional value defining set covariance for the corners of detections.

  • --bbox_gt flag states that all ground-truth should be teated as bounding boxes for PDQ analysis. All pixels within the bounding box will be used for analysis and there will be no "ignored" pixels. This enables use of datasets with no segmentation information provided they are stored in COCO ground-truth format.

  • --segment_mode flag states that evaluation is performed per-pixel on the ground-truth segments with no "ignored" pixels to accommodate box-shaped detections. This should only be used if evaluating a probabilistic segmentation detection system.

  • --greedy_mode flag states that assignment of detections to ground-truth objects based upon pPDQ scores is done greedily rather than optimal assignment. Greedy mode can be faster for some applications but does not match "official" PDQ process and there may be some minuscule difference in score/behaviour.

  • --prob_seg flag states that detection.json file is formatted for probabilistic segmentation detections as outlined above.

  • --mAP_heatmap flag should not generally be used but enables mAP/moLRP evaluation to be based not upon corners defined by PBox/BBox detections, but that encompass all pixels of the detection above given threshold of probability (0.0027).

  • --num_workers number of parallel worker processes to use in the CPU when making the calculations for the PDQ score. By default, this value is 6.

For further details, please consult the code.

Important Notes

For consistency reasons, unlike the original rvc1 evaluation code, we do not multiply PDQ by 100 to provide it as a percentage. PDQ is also labelled as "PDQ" in scores.txt rather than simply "score".

For anyone unfamiliar with moLRP based measures, these values are losses and not qualities like all other provided measures. To transform these results from losses to qualities simply take 1 - moLRP.

Newly implemented modes --segment_mode, --bbox_gt, greedy_mode are not used for the RVC1 challenge but can be useful for developing research in probabilistic segmentation, when your dataset does not have a segmentation mask, or when time is critical, respectively.

To create visualisations for probabilistic detections and PDQ analysis on a single sequence of images run:

python --data_type <test_type> --ground_truth <gt_location> --gt_img_folder <gt_imgs_location> --det_json <det_json_file> --gt_analysis <gt_analysis_file> --det_analysis <det_analysis_file> --save_folder <save_folder_location> --set_cov <cov> --img_type <ext> --colour_mode <colour_mode> --corner_mode <corner_mode> --img_set <list_of_img_names> --full_info


  • <test_type> is a string defining whether we are evaluating COCO or RVC1 data. Options are 'coco' and 'rvc1'

  • <gt_location> is a string defining either the location of a ground-truth .json file (coco tests) or a folder of ground truth sequences (rvc1 data). Which one it is interpreted as is defined by <test_type>

  • <gt_imgs_location> a string defining the folder where ground-truth images for the sequence are stored.

  • <det_json_file> a string defining the detection .json file matching the sequence to be visualised

  • <gt_analysis> a string defining the ground-truth analysis .json file matching the sequence to be visualised. Must also correspond to the detection .json file being visualised.

  • <det_analysis> a string defining the detection analysis .json file matching the sequence to be visualised. Must also correspond to the detection .json file being visualised.

  • <save_folder_location> a string defining the folder where image visualisations will be saved. Must be different to the <gt_imgs_location>

  • <cov> is an optional value defining set covariance for the corners of the detections. This must match the set covariance used in

  • <img_type> is a string defining what image type the ground-truth is provided in. For example 'jpg'.

  • <colour_mode> is a string defining whether correct and incorrect results are coloured green and red ('gr') or blue and orange ('bo') respectively. Default option is blue and orange.

  • <corner_mode> is a string defining whether Gaussian corners are represented as three ellipses ('ellipse') or two arrows ('arrow'). Ellipses are drawn showing 1, 2, and 3, std deviation rings along the contours of the Gaussian. Arrows show 2 x standard deviation along the major axes of the Gaussian. Default option is 'ellipse'

  • <list_of_img_names> is an optional parameter where the user provides a set of image names and only these images will have visualisations drawn for them. For example --img_set cat.jpg dog.jpg whale.jpg would only draw visualisations for "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg", and "whale.jpg".

  • --full_info is an optional flag defining whether full pairwise quality analysis should be written for TP detections. Recommended setting for in-depth analysis

For further details, please consult the code.

Important Notes

Consistency must be kept between ground-truth analysis, detection analysis, and detection .json files in order to provide meaningful visualisation.

If the evaluation which produced the ground-truth analysis and detection analysis used a set covariance input, you must provide that same set covariance when generating visualisations.

New modes such as using probabilistic segmentation detections (--prob_seg) in segment mode (--segment_mode) or using bounding_box ground-truth (--bbox_gt) in the evaluation code are NOT yet supported.

To create visualisations for probabilistic detections on a single sequence of images run:

python --gt_img_folder <gt_imgs_location> --det_json <det_json_file> --save_folder <save_folder_location> --set_cov <cov> --img_type <ext> --corner_mode <corner_mode> --img_set <list_of_img_names>


  • <gt_imgs_location> a string defining the folder where ground-truth images for the sequence are stored.

  • <det_json_file> a string defining the detection .json file matching the sequence to be visualised

  • <save_folder_location> a string defining the folder where image visualisations will be saved. Must be different to the <gt_imgs_location>

  • <cov> is an optional value defining set covariance for the corners of the detections.

  • <img_type> is a string defining what image type the ground-truth is provided in. For example 'jpg'.

  • <corner_mode> is a string defining whether Gaussian corners are represented as three ellipses ('ellipse') or two arrows ('arrow'). Ellipses are drawn showing 1, 2, and 3, std deviation rings along the contours of the Gaussian. Arrows show 2 x standard deviation along the major axes of the Gaussian. Default option is 'ellipse'

  • <list_of_img_names> is an optional parameter where the user provides a set of image names and only these images will have visualisations drawn for them. For example --img_set cat.jpg dog.jpg whale.jpg would only draw visualisations for "cat.jpg", "dog.jpg", and "whale.jpg".

For further details, please consult the code.

Important Notes

Order of detections in detections.json file must match the order of the images as stored in the ground-truth images folder.

New modes such as using probabilistic segmentation detections (--prob_seg) in the evaluation code are NOT yet supported.


Development of the probability-based detection quality evaluation measure was directly supported by:

Australian Centre for Robotic Vision


Evaluation code for using probabilistic detection quality (PDQ) measure for probabilistic object detection tasks. Currently supports COCO and robotic vision challenge (RVC) data.








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