Visual Studio Code project/compile_commands.json generator for Linux kernel sources and out-of-tree modules
Multilayered, Log-structured Secure Disk (MlsDisk) protects the disk I/O for TEEs
🍦 A well organized & frequently updated collection of apps that supports material you design/theme.
Jinzhao Disk (JinDisk) is a log-structured secure block device for TEEs. This repo is JinDisk's Linux version.
A lightweight echo server implementation in Linux kernel mode
Global-Scale Sustainable Blockchain Fabric
List of bugs found in distributed protocols
A collection of state machine replication protocols
7h15 15 4 pr0j3c7 d351gn3d 70 c0nv3r7 5p3c1f1c l3773r5 1n 73x7 70 5p3c1f1c numb3r5 1n 4 w4y 7h47 7h3 hum4n br41n w1ll 571ll b3 4bl3 70 r34d 7h3 w0rd5 45 7h3y w3r3 0r1g1n4lly.
An interpreter and analyzer for Dedalus, a Datalog-based formalism for distributed systems.
bubblePieChart Creates a bubble pie chart.
audreyccheng / anna
Forked from hydro-project/annaA low-latency, cloud-native KVS
A Web VR experience that talks about a tragic plane accident in Japan
Hydrowflow prototype for the Hydro project at UC Berkeley.
Common repository for Tex, Scripts, etc.
Summer internship project with RTI
A Vim color scheme reproduction of the official JetBrains IDE Darcula theme