- Scotland
- http://pibakery.org/
dolby-srd Public
An effort to reverse engineer Dolby SR•D, ie. Dolby Digital on 35mm film
test-runner Public
Forked from storybookjs/test-runner🚕 Turn stories into executable tests
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
mactutor-bbcode-rules Public
Set of rules for serializing, deserializing and rendering the bbcodes used for MacTutor.
slate-bbcode-serializer Public
A BBCode serializer/deserializer for Slate editors.
ShowingPreviously Public
An archiver of cinema movie showtimes
pibakery-blocks Public
All the blocks for the Pi Bakery program
35mm-sound Public
Collection of scripts relating to soundtracks on 35mm motion picture film
mactutor-converter Public
Script to convert the content format of the old MacTutor website to the new format used by Lektor
yahoogroups-joiner Public archive
Chrome extension designed to help automate the signup to Yahoo Groups
pibakery Public
The blocks based, easy to use setup tool for Raspberry Pi
drivelist-scanner Public
Forked from jayalfredprufrock/drivelist-scannerDynamically detect when drives are being added and/or removed.
lektor Public
Forked from lektor/lektorThe lektor static file content management system
lektor-markdown-mactutor Public
Lektor plugin that adds custom markdown syntax used for MacTutor.
pibakery-raspbian Public
The changes made to Raspbian to support PiBakery
drivelist-scan Public
Detect when a drive has been inserted/removed. Replacement for drivelist-scanner.
CommandLineDiskImager Public archive
A command line version of Win32DiskImager
RailCode Public
Learn computational thinking using the London underground
PiBook-Arduino Public
Arduino code for Teensy controller of PiBook laptop
hbmqtt Public
Forked from njouanin/hbmqttMQTT client/broker using Python asynchronous I/O
jscard Public
A project to create an open source, web based xTalk development environment.
FanFicUpload Public
Forked from JimmXinu/FanFicFareFanFicFare is a tool for making eBooks from fanfiction web sites. It is the renamed successor to FanFictionDownLoader.
node-7z Public
Forked from q2s2t/node-7zA Node.js wrapper for 7-Zip
ArchiveTheWeb Public
Helping save the history of the web using the Internet Archive
Scratch-Robotic-Arm-Advanced Public
An interface between Scratch 1.4 and a USB robotic arm from Maplin. Simultaneous commands allowed!