This smartwatch app for Android Wear allows users to have basic timing functionality, split tracking, continuous audio/vibrate alerts, music control, and more. There is also a companion smartphone app available for Android.
Version: 1.0
- Large text chrono timers
- Tap timer to capture splits
- Create continuous audio/vibrate alerts, accurate to 1/100th of a second
- Pause and change alert frequency during workouts
- The only wearable app on any platform to offer alerts like this
- Control volume of music from the app
Install and run! I use this everyday and have really enjoyed using this for interval workouts out the track. If I'm doing 400 repeats, I can set the alerts to vibrate at my planned 100m pace, so I can know whether I'm on pace or not. I also use it for all my easy runs just because the Chrono Timers are easy to read and the splits work well.
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