Aerbnb is a single-page, full stack web application (SPA) inspired by Airbnb where users can view, book, and search for listings by location.
It utilizes Ruby on Rails with a PostgreSQL database on the back-end, and React.js and Redux on the front-end.
- Users can sign up or log in to use the application
- Users can also log in through a demo account
User credentials are securely hashed, salted, and stored as a password digest
class User < ApplicationRecord
validates :username, :session_token, uniqueness: true
validates :username, presence: true
validates :password, length: {minimum: 6, allow_nil: true}
// ..
attr_reader :password
before_validation :ensure_session_token
def self.find_by_credentials(username, password)
@user = User.find_by(username: username)
return nil unless @user
@user.is_password?(password) ? @user : nil
def password=(password)
@password = password
self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)
def is_password?(password)
def ensure_session_token
self.session_token ||= SecureRandom::urlsafe_base64
def reset_session_token!
self.session_token = SecureRandom::urlsafe_base64
- Listings are displayed on the homepage
- Users are able to search for listings via Google Maps Places API
As a user moves the map around, the new bounds (coordinates) will get updated in realtime and send the correct listings from the backend (PostgreSQL database)
class Listing < ApplicationRecord
// ..
def self.in_bounds(bounds)
bounds = JSON.parse(bounds)
self.where('lat < ?', bounds["northEast"]["lat"].to_f)
.where('lat >?', bounds["southWest"]["lat"].to_f)
.where('long < ?', bounds["northEast"]["lng"].to_f)
.where('long > ?', bounds["southWest"]["lng"].to_f)
// ..
The Google Maps API is integrated into the appropriate React frontend components
class ListingMap extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.renderMap = this.renderMap.bind(this);
this.handleMarkerClick = this.handleMarkerClick.bind(this);
// ..
renderMap() {
const mapOptions = {
center: this.props.mapSearchCoords,
zoom: 13,
gestureHandling: "greedy"
}; = new google.maps.Map(this.mapNode, mapOptions);
this.MarkerManager = new MarkerManager(, this.handleMarkerClick);
registerListeners() {
google.maps.event.addListener(, 'idle', () => {
const { north, south, east, west } =;
let bounds = {
northEast: { lat: north, lng: east },
southWest: { lat: south, lng: west }
this.props.updateFilter("bounds", bounds);
// ..
- A logged in user is able to view his or her bookings
- A logged in user is able to make valid bookings on listings and delete any booking he or she made
Aerbnb is a single-page web application with one backend route responsible for rendering HTML. User interactions in the front-end side trigger AJAX requests to the back-end, which is responsible for rendering database information in JSON format.
The Rails backend API is connected to a React frontend to efficiently render to the virtual DOM.
Redux manages the front-end state of Aerbnb. When database information is retrieved, Redux state is updated first and re-renders the appropriate React components.
Ruby on Rails is the back-end framework used to query the database.
Aerbnb uses a PostgreSQL database to store its relational data.
- Implement ability for users to upload profile pictures and edit profile page
- Infinite scrolling or pagination on the index pages
- Implement ability to interact with friends, i.e. messaging
- Additional filters for listings
Setup the app:
To Run