[email protected]
http://www.troot.co.kr/ (Korean)
high speed sequence number generator
event, pthread
- -p [portnumber]
- -i [initial value]
- -e [initial epoch value]
- [mode]
- -h // http
- -s // tcp socket
- -c // memcached compatible (incr command)
- -n // keepalive off
syslog, domain : seqgen
value | default |
port | 5555 |
keepalive cycle | 1000 |
keepalive timeout | 5 second |
worker | 100 thread |
http : open browser and go http://localhost:5555/
note1 : The seq number will be increase double because of request of 'favicon.ico'.
socket : go telnet localhost 5555, and press enter.
memcached compatible : use memcached client library, and request 'incr' memcached command. or telnet localhost 5555, and press enter
http : use apache ab or jmeter. ex) ab -c 100 -n 10000 http://localhost:5555/
socket or memcached : Do it yourself.
master - slave mode.
if this prj. takes 2 star, I will make the feature for fail-over.
"Multithreaded, libevent-based socket server.", README, LICENSE.txt, Ronald B. Cemer, 2012
BSD and read the REAME and LICENSE.txt