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Kubernetes LEMP Stack

Kubernetes LEMP Stack is a distributed LEMP stack built on top of a Kubernetes cluster. It enables anyone to deploy multiple CMSs (currently Wordpress) for any number of websites.

Currently this supports Google Compute Engine as a cloud provider. Other providers haven't been tested (things like PersistentVolume and Ingress depend on your cloud provider).

There are already stable turn-key deployments for various CMSs via Kubernetes Helm Charts, but Kubernetes LEMP Stack is designed more or less in the traditional LEMP fashion where you get a bucket for all of your HTML at /var/www/html and you may or may not use a CMS.

Actually, k8s LEMP Stack should be able to serve as your own personal web server farm! Use it as a backend to your own cloud hosting company! We also want extra customisation in terms of our web server and security hardening measures. In addition, future improvements aim to make this software scalable and highly-available.

How It Works

  • Wordpress/NGINX

    • Each Wordpress CMS is based on the wordpress:php7.1-fpm image with extra required PHP extensions such as redis. Wordpress is contained in one Deployment controller along with an nginx container. The nginx image is planned to include build-time security enhancements such as the NAXSI WAF.
    • Each Wordpress/NGINX Deployment gets it's own PersistentVolume as well as Secret objects for storing sensitive information such as passwords for their DBs.
  • MariaDB

    • Initially, the Wordpress/NGINX pods all interface with one mariadb StatefulSet. This is so anyone can start off with a full-fledged web farm and bring up any number of websites using one mariadb instance with a databse for each site. Future improvements will allow for HA and scalable clustered RDBMSs.
    • mariadb also gets a PersistentVolume and Secret objects.
    • Updating StatefulSet objects in Kubernetes is currently a manual process, meaning we have to execute MySQL commands in the mariadb pod to add new databases and users.
  • Redis

    • To reduce hits to the DB we build the WP/NGINX image with the redis PHP extension and include a Redis Deployment.
    • WP must be configured to use Redis upon initialising a new WP site by installing and configuring the WP Redis Object Cache plugin. We protect Redis with a password in a Secret.
  • Ingress/Kube Lego

    • Websites are reached externally via an nginx Ingress controller. See Kubernetes documentation regarding Ingress in the official docs and on GitHub.
    • All TLS is terminated at Ingress via free Let's Encrypt certificates good for all domains on your cluster. Better yet, certificate issuance is handled automatically with the awesome Kube Lego.

Kubernetes LEMP Stack Architecture


  • Add diagram detailing the general structure of the cluster
  • The WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD env doesn't work with a secretKeyRef and instead needs the password entered in plaintext in the YAML file
  • Configure PHP to listen on a UNIX socket instead of port 9000 and pass the socket file to the fastcgi_pass parameter in NGINX.
  • Explore a logging solution for cluster pods such as Logstash
  • High availability
    • Ceph distributed storage
    • (Optional) HA MySQL via sharding, clustering, etc.
    • Add shared and distributed storage to Wordpress/NGINX deployments so they can then be replicated
  • Enable Drupal CMSs
  • Enable Joomla CMSs
  • Enable generic "HTML" deployments
  • Explore segregating the website deployments in the name of privacy/hardening


Create Namespaces:

$ kubectl apply -f 00-namespace.yaml
namespace "core" created
$ kubectl apply -f wp/00-namespace.yaml 
namespace "wp-wd" created
$ kubectl apply -f nginx/00-namespace.yaml 
namespace "nginx-ingress" created
$ kubectl apply -f lego/00-namespace.yaml 
namespace "kube-lego" created

Create NGINX Ingress and default-http-backend (to catch invalid requests to ingress and serve 404):

 $ kubectl apply -f nginx/
 namespace "nginx-ingress" configured
 service "default-http-backend" created
 deployment "default-http-backend" created
 service "nginx" created
 configmap "nginx" created
 deployment "nginx" created
  • GCE should give you a LoadBalancer for your NGINX Service. Watch for your public IP address:
    $ watch kubectl describe svc nginx --namespace nginx-ingress
    LoadBalancer Ingress:
  • Go to your domains DNS settings and point your domain to this IP address. After DNS propogates you should see the message "default backend - 404" straight away when visiting your newly set-up domain in a browser. This is the default-http-backend doing it's job.

Create Secret objects mariadb-pass-root and redis-pass:

$ openssl rand -base64 20 > /tmp/mariadb-pass-root.txt
$ openssl rand -base64 20 > /tmp/redis-pass.txt
$ kubectl create secret generic mariadb-pass-root --from-file=/tmp/mariadb-pass-root.txt --namespace=core
$ kubectl create secret generic redis-pass --from-file=/tmp/redis-pass.txt --namespace=core

Create persistent disks (GCE) and your "core" services:

  • Make sure the disks are in the same <zone>as your cluster and that the names match the pdName from gce-volumes.yaml:
    $ gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=<zone> wp-wd
    $ gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=<zone> mariadb
    $ kubectl apply -f gce-volumes.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f mariadb-StatefulSet.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f redis-Deployment.yaml

Bring up Wordpress/NGINX

  • Create a new Secret for your new DB user

    Note: Currently this does not properly convey the password to WP so you must enter the generated password into the YAML by hand.

    $ openssl rand -base64 20 > /tmp/mariadb-pass-wp-wd.txt
    $ kubectl create secret generic mariadb-pass-wp-wd --from-file=/tmp/mariadb-pass-wp-wd.txt --namespace=wp-wd
  • Set environment variables in wp/wp-wd-Deployment.yaml to match the Gmail account you want to use and a generated app password. This is so Wordpress can use SMTP with your Gmail account to send out e-mails. The environment variables are consumed in the chepurko/wordpress-fpm-redis image.

  • Deploy Wordpress/NGINX and notls-Ingress. Change the email address in lego/kube-lego-Deployment.yaml before creating the kube-lego Deployment.

    Note: The default domain name is, so you should of course change this to your domain in \*tls_Ingress.yaml files.

    $ kubectl apply -f wp/wp-wd-Deployment.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f wp/notls-Ingress.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f lego/kube-lego-Deployment.yaml


Adding a website

  • Declare your new website in another directory

    • Make a copy of the /wp directory and give it a short name with your website in mind, e.g. /wp-dd for ""
  • Update the short name values in your new /wp-dd/wp-dd-Deployment.yaml file to the corresponding website short name. E.g. wp-dd, wp-dd-pv-claim, etc.

    $ mv wp-dd/wp-wd-Deployment.yaml wp-dd/wp-dd-Deployment.yaml # or whatever you want as a short name
    $ for i in 00-namespace.yaml notls-Ingress.yaml tls-Ingress.yaml wp-dd-Deployment.yaml; do
        sed -i -r -e 's/wp-wd/wp-dd/' wp-dd/$i
    • Create your new namespace

      $ kubectl apply -f wp-bc/00-namespace.yaml 
      namespace "wp-bc" created
    • Create a new Secret for your new DB user and save it for the next step

      $ openssl rand -base64 20 > /tmp/mariadb-pass-wp-dd.txt
      $ kubectl create secret generic mariadb-pass-wp-dd --from-file=/tmp/mariadb-pass-wp-dd.txt --namespace=wp-dd
      $ cat /tmp/mariadb-pass-wp-dd.txt
    • Again in /wp-dd/wp-dd-Deployment.yaml, update all .spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[].value fields to match your new database name, user, and password from Secret.

    • Finally update both .host*: values in both wp-dd/*tls-Ingress.yaml files:

  • Manually add a new database in the mariadb StatefulSet and grant privileges to a new user.

    $ kubectl --namespace=core exec -it mariadb-0 -- /bin/bash
    root@mariadb-0:/# mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"
    > EXIT;
  • Or restore a database from a previous or backed up website:

    $ kubectl cp /path/to/DBbackup/dbWPDD.bak.sql core/mariadb-0:/root/dbWPDD.bak.sql
    $ kubectl --namespace=core exec -it mariadb-0 -- /bin/bash
    root@mariadb-0:/# mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" dbWPDD < dbWPDD.bak.sql
  • Create another PD and add a new PersistentVolume definition into gce-volumes.yaml with your corresponding website short name.

    $ vim gce-volumes.yaml # add another PV section changing names to your corresponding short name
    $ gcloud compute disks create --size=10GB --zone=<zone> wp-dd
    $ kubectl apply -f gce-volumes.yaml
  • Apply the YAMLs for you new site and add the IP address of the NGINX LoadBalancer Service you originally created to your domain's DNS settings.

    $ kubectl apply -f wp-dd/wp-dd-Deployment.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f wp-dd/notls-Ingress.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f wp-dd/tls-Ingress.yaml # Enable TLS for your site's Ingress


This project was inspired by the official Kubernetes Wordpress + MySQL sample and builds on it with the various other official Docker images and Kubernetes applications mentioned previously.