University of Pisa
- Padova, IT
- https://www.twitch.tv/noncompila
- @dbarasti
femo_na_sagra Public
FemoNaSagra is a web app with the purpose of handling burgers and beverages orders. For small to medium events.
vertical-life-bot Public
A unofficial telegram bot that writes to a channel if a time slot becomes available in your gym
bitcollect-cli Public
A simple CLI to interact, using web3, with a Solidity backend
arlo-doorbell-bot Public
Using your Arlo camera to trigger notifications via a Telegram Bot
parallel_tsp Public
Parallel implementation of the travelling salesperson problem using a genetic algorithm
BitCollect Public
BitCollect is a contract specification for a decentralized crowdfunding platform on Ethereum, developed with TDD
edge_API Public
Forked from MCPS-team/edge_APIAPI for the edge server
go-monitor-ipfs Public
Application to monitor and create reports with plots regarding several metrics of an IPFS node.
take-a-look Public
Python Web Scraper with a Telegram Bot interface for fully personalized scraping configurations
Map_Reduce_Framework Public
A Java map-reduce framework implemented Just For Fun
jasmine-pretty-html-reporter Public
Forked from stuisme/jasmine-pretty-html-reporteran html reporter for jasmine
dw-demo-app Public
Forked from dduportal/dw-demo-appDropWizard + AngularJS demo application, run with Docker, built with Maven as demo purpose
Template-piano-di-lavoro-stage Public
Forked from FIUP/Template-piano-di-lavoro-stageUn template per il piano di lavoro utile per gli studenti della laurea triennale in Computer Science @Unipadova che devono iniziare lo stage curriculare.