dbhaskaran.github.io Public
A personal landing page http://dbhaskaran.github.io
sweetshop-jee Public
A custom sweetshop site built using Java EE
spinnaker-study Public
Forked from dhinojosa/spinnaker-studySimple Quarkus Microservice for CI/CD Demo
javaee-notebook Public
A repo all the fun and interesting apps developed along the journey to become a better Java EE Developer
corejava-notebook Public
A code repository of some fun and intersting core java code that can be used to learn or revise core java concepts
system-design-questions Public
Forked from arpitbbhayani/system-design-questionsProblem statements on System Design and Software Architecture as part of Arpit's System Design Masterclass
covid19-tracker Public
Corona Tracker App https://covid-dashboard.herokuapp.com/
contributor-playground Public
Forked from kubernetes-sigs/contributor-playground -
incubator-pinot Public
Forked from apache/pinotApache Pinot (Incubating) - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore
spring-authorization-server Public
Forked from spring-projects/spring-authorization-serverA community-driven project led by the Spring Security team and is focused on delivering Authorization Server support to the Spring community
incubator-tubemq Public
Forked from apache/inlongApache TubeMQ
svleetcoders.github.io Public
Forked from svleetcoders/svleetcoders.github.ioWebsite for Silicon Valley Leetcoders
techinterviews-I Public
Forked from svleetcoders/techinterviews-IPopular tech interview questions for beginners
automation-for-humans Public
Forked from intuit/automation-for-humansConverts english statements to automation.
javascript-notebook Public
A code repository of some fun and intersting javascript code that can be used to learn or revise javascript concepts
Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-Java Public
Forked from TrainingByPackt/Data-Structures-and-Algorithms-in-JavaSharpen your problem solving skills by learning core computer science concepts in a pain-free manner
Photon Public
Forked from s0md3v/PhotonIncredibly fast crawler which extracts urls, emails, files, website accounts and much more.
react-notebook Public
A repository with all the code and notes that I used to learn React
crud-notebook Public
A repository to experiment developing CRUD apps using various stacks from MERN to Java JAX + Angular
csresearch-notebook Public
A repository with the notes of the Computer Science Research papers I've read
progressivedev-notebook Public
This reository contains the notes on how to be effective, progressive and successful as a software developer
selenium-notebook Public
A sample GUI automation framework using Selenium
Java-BookStore Public
Forked from renz45/Java-BookStoreThe Java Web interactive project. This project adds features to a Book Store app.
node-notebook Public
A repository of some fun and intersting Node.js code that can be used to learn or revise Node.js concepts
javaee-messagingapp Public
A messaging app built using Java EE and MySql
sql-notebook Public
A repository with all the code and notes that I used to practice SQL