Starred repositories
Ulauncher extension to interact with GitLab.
📊 A minimalist, self-hosted WakaTime-compatible backend for coding statistics
Arch Linux Fast Installer : tutorial installer
Realtime dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights
Mirror of the official PostgreSQL GIT repository. Note that this is just a *mirror* - we don't work with pull requests on github. To contribute, please see…
☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
[Closed] Coturn TURN server Docker image
📡 ☁️ 🎶Airsonic, a Free and Open Source community driven media server (fork of Subsonic and Libresonic)
Synapse: Matrix homeserver written in Python/Twisted.
Write HTTP requests in Org mode and replay them at will using cURL
Emacs extension for controlling Kubernetes with limited permissions
Collect and aggregate Telemetry events over time
An implementation of Org mode without the dependency of Emacs - built for mobile and desktop browsers
Manage Kubernetes clusters with Emacs.
A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.
Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir
Project Interaction Library for Emacs
Easy clustering, registration, and distribution of worker processes for Erlang/Elixir
Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 🌱
Dynamic dispatching library for metrics and instrumentations.
A flat theme with transparent elements. Based on the Arc theme: