Releases: ddm999/ClubmanSharp
ViGEm still requires a workaround to use, and is pretty likely to stay that way.
This release contains a link to definitively patch Remote Play with a "version 100" reporting exe which should "fix" the issue forever (hopefully).
For details: see the wiki, the FAQ and the list of errors and solutions.
To download, click Assets > ClubmanSharp.7z and extract with 7-Zip or another similar tool.
- Menu detections & event checking fixed for GT7 v1.54 (#68)
- Debug logging has been split into 4 separate options for separate groups of action, to reduce spam when looking for a specific issue.
- Option that removes checks & avoids relying on any data specific to Tokyo Expressway Clubman Cup Plus has been added (#66)
Commit log: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
ViGEm still requires a workaround to use, and is pretty likely to stay that way.
This release contains a link to definitively patch Remote Play with a "version 100" reporting exe which should "fix" the issue forever (hopefully).
For details: see the wiki, the FAQ and the list of errors and solutions.
To download, click Assets > ClubmanSharp.7z and extract with 7-Zip or another similar tool.
- Adjustments to work with v1.38 and the Weather Radar button (#61)
- Remote Play patcher updated, new files should work more reliably & install a v100 reporting exe (#60)
- Added auto-retry for dropped packet error option (#9)
- Checks number of cars in pre-race to prevent use on the wrong event (#44)
- Optional debug.log with massive amount of logging which should help me resolve any weird or confusing issues (#15)
This release has a link to install a patched v5.5.0 Remote Play,
as the latest v6.0.0 Remote Play has changed DS4 controller input which breaks ViGEm (the virtual controller we use).
This is a temporary workaround until ViGEm is patched to fix this.
For details: see the wiki, the FAQ and the list of errors and solutions.
To download, click Assets > ClubmanSharp.7z and extract with 7-Zip or another similar tool.
- Patched Remote Play downloader: workaround for #48
Second public release.
For details: see the wiki, the FAQ and the list of errors and solutions.
To download, click Assets > ClubmanSharp.7z and extract with 7-Zip or another similar tool.
- Submodules & PDTools licensing
- Submodules make it easier to checkout the repo and build it without requiring any extra PDTools setup
- Add licensing for PDTools (#36)
- Show error if stuck in Race Result (#38)
- Add Circle confirm option (#37)
- No packet detect & pitbox detect & add a bunch of debug