The purpose of this document is to get people up to speed on compiling fintech related software.
For other languages, see:
To avoid messing up the development environment, Docker is used frequently to contain all the working code. It is highly recommended that you become familiar with how Docker works. If you have a Linux and/or Mac OS, then it will be easy to set up. If you have Windows, it is recommended that you spend money (10 USD/month) on a remote server. It is the same price as 2 cocktails at Starbucks.
In order to do testing, you need to get test coins. Go to the link below and get some free testnet coins.
This is the testnet block chain explorer.
Practice handling Bitcoin with Javascript.
The practice file is here.
To create the docker image and container for doing node js work:
docker build -t mynodejs:jessie --build-arg useruid=$(id -u $USER) -f docker/Dockerfile.js.amd64 .
docker run -v $(pwd):/var/share/nodejs --name -it mynodejs:jessie /bin/bash
- with this command, you will end up in a bash shell in which you can execute commands
cd js
npm install bitcoinjs-lib
node ./simple-spend.js
- this will run the javascript program
For Perl, we have a simple program for transactions set up.
- For Mac
- For Debian/Ubuntu
- For Windows - but the UX in Windows is very, very different from the other two