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Ionic Redux Seed

This is a starter template for Ionic projects using the Redux pattern to manage the app state. This app was generated with Ionic CLI so all ionic serve|build|lint|generate|etc. commands apply.

How to run this template


$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova
$ npm install

a) Run app in development mode:

With NPM:

$ npm start

Open http://localhost:8100 in your browser (preferrably latest Chrome version)

With Ionic CLI:

$ ionic serve

Open http://localhost:8100 in your browser (preferrably latest Chrome version)

a) Run app on a real device:

$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova run ios

Substitute ios for android if not on a Mac.

Available Commands

Command Description
npm install Installs dependencies with npm
npm start Starts the dev server on localhost:8100
npm run build A complete build of the application. It uses development settings by default. Use --prod to create an optimized build
npm clean Empty the www/build directory.
npm lint Runs tslint
npm run todo Show undone project TODOS

Code Styleguide

  • We're following the official Angular Style Guide as closely as possible by using Codelyzer which checks the code when running npm lint.
  • We're following the redux paradigm of dumb/stateless components and smart/stateful containers. Typically the top-level container of a feature (e.g. product-details.container.ts) will be connected to the @ngrx store and pass the state down to child components (e.g. product-image.component.ts). So top-level components that are directly connected to the redux store and do data-fetching etc. will be called container and unconnected components will be called component.
  • We're using Prettier so all developer's code is formatted the same way. Please check here how to enable it for your IDE

Code Location

We're using component-centric code co-location. That means, to keep our application code as decoupled as possible we're putting everything that belongs to a component together:

├── product-details
│   ├── product-details.container.ts
│   ├── product-details.e2e.ts
│   ├── product-details.module.ts
│   ├── product-details-routing.module.ts
│   ├── product-image
│   |    ├── product-image.component.ts
│   |    ├── product-image.html
│   |    ├── product-image.scss
│   |    ├── product-image.spec.ts
├── shared
│   ├── button
│   |    ├── button.component.ts
│   |    ├── button.component.html
│   |    ├── button.component.scss
│   |    ├── button.component.spec.ts
│   |    ├── button.icon.svg

Managing State

We're using unidirectional data-flow via @ngrx/store and @ngrx/effects to keep our state DRY and easy to reason about.


  • We're using SCSS (until @angular/cli adds PostCSS support…)
  • We're keeping our styles component-specific and minimize global styles that can have unintended side effects
  • The only global styles should be theme-relevant styles like variables, colors, fonts etc. which live in src/theme and can be imported into component-stylesheets via @import "~theme/[variables|fonts|etc].scss";

Responsive behaviour

We are using the include-media mixin to manage our breakpoints. Please don't use the @angular/flex-layout API, since it is very limited and doesn't fit our layouts responsive behaviour.

How to deploy to environments

  • Dev: At every commit.
  • Preproduction: npm version X.Y.Z.rc-W then git push origin master --tags
  • Production: npm version X.Y.Z then git push origin master --tags


Ionic seed implementing Redux pattern using NgRx








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