Deckhouse Module Tool - the swiss knife for your Deckhouse modules
You can run linter checks for a module:
dmt lint /some/path/<your-module>
or some pack of modules
dmt lint /some/path/
where /some/path/
looks like this:
ls -l /some/path/
drwxrwxr-x 1 deckhouse deckhouse 4096 Nov 10 21:46 001-module-one
drwxrwxr-x 1 deckhouse deckhouse 4096 Nov 12 21:45 002-module-two
drwxrwxr-x 1 deckhouse deckhouse 4096 Nov 10 21:46 003-module-three
Generate some automatic rules for you module
Linter | Description |
container | Check containers - duplicated names, env variables, ports, security context, liveness and readiness probes. |
hooks | Check hooks rules. |
images | Check images build instructions. |
license | Check license header in files. |
module | Check module.yaml definition, openapi conversions, oss.yaml file. |
no-cyrillic | Check cyrillic letters. |
openapi | Check openapi settings, crds. |
rbac | Check rbac rules. |
templates | Check templates rules, VPA, PDB settings, prometheus, grafana rules, kube-rbac-proxy, service target port. |
You can exclude linters or setup them via the config file .dmtlint.yaml
impact: warn | critical
impact: warn | critical