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SuzukiSwifts - DebateMe

Promotional Material:


High-fidelity prototype (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP):

  • Please view the link above while on mobile responsive mode or from mobile phones.
  • Please disable autocorrect as if any words get autocorrected, the message will not be posted due to the fuctional issue.

Original Marvel Prototype:


Design Process (summary, process, theory, limitations):

Future of Debate Me - Development:

Semester Progress and Team Member Contributions:

Stand Up 1:


  • Create low fidelity paper prototype of the user interface
  • Create different versions of the options menu screen to see which is more appealing to users
  • Rating system screen
  • Online and inperson debate screens
  • est after finishing designing
  • Develop a proforma test plan and questionnaire for users to test .
  • Create personas to identify our target audience.
  • Test our concept with users.


  • Created a low fidelity paper prototype for the apps user interface with a variation in designs.
  • Created a proforma test plan with questions to ask users.
  • Created three personas.
  • Completed the value proposition canvas for each persona.
  • Conducted a questionnaire to test the concept of Debate Me.
  • Completed the project proposal.


  • Some participants of the user test had stated that debating could possibly cause some conflicts and dislike each other, instead of becoming friends. Therefore, we added 'discussion' mode, where the users can friendlily discuss about the topic, instead of arguing against each other.
  • Users were confused about the rating system. It was unclear what they were actually rating and therefore we decided to change this to a “Send a star” system where the users send a star only if they enjoyed debating with a matched partner. Number of stars received represent the level of that user in the app.

Plan for next sprint:

  • Run user tests:
  • Debating Concept
  • Menu screen
  • Rating system
  • Inperson debate (GPS navigation screen)
  • Online debate screen
  • Create digital prototype using marvel.
  • Develop proforma test plan.
  • Run user tests for the marvel prototype.



  • Completed the content of Value Proposition Canvas for each persona
  • Worked on completing the paper prototype during the meeting.
  • Conducted user test using paper prototype with 3 users.
  • Noted all the observations, as well as users' feedbacks.
  • Written the analysis of the user tests and changed the concept based on the feedback received with the team. Completed stand up documentation with Rohnil


  • Created proforma test plan
  • Created questions for the user tests
  • Contribution to the project proposal:
  • Project Idea
  • Project Challenges
  • User research analysis
  • Worked on finishing the paper prototype during group meeting.
  • Completed stand up documentation with Daiki.


  • Designed 3 personas that capture the expected user base
  • Designed and drew up the low fidelity paper prototype
  • Contribution to the project proposal: Involved in writing large portions of all sections, Editing and formatting


  • Contributed to Designing the low fidelity paper prototype
  • Contributed to the project proposal:
  • Plan
  • Some editing to document & formatting to proposal document.


  • Revised and finalized the user test questions
  • Developed the user questionaire sheets
  • Conducted the Questionaire with students from different study backgrounds
  • Slight modifications on the user questionaires
  • Formatted the Questionaire results
  • Analyzed the results of questionaires with Daiki
  • Project idea modification in response to questionaire feedback

Stand Up 2:


  • Design a more realistic digital prototype using marvel app.
  • Develop proforma test plans and questionnaires.
  • Run user tests for marvel app prototype:
  • Debating Concept
  • Menu screen
  • Online debate timing system
  • Rating system
  • Inperson debate (GPS navigation screen)
  • Online debate screen
  • Create digital prototype using marvel.
  • Document test results and run analysis.
  • Test chat functionality with the messenger app.


  • Created a digital prototype using Mavel.
  • Created proforma test plan
  • Ran user tests with the Marvel prototype.
  • We especially set our focus on the timing and rating system for the user tests. Instead of testing many users at once, we tested many times with few users and iteratively evaluated the results to further improve the project. Used the Facebook messenger app as our chat functionality. One of the members pretended to be another user and played the app against the actual user.
  • We tested each mode of the app, including '1vs1 Debate', 1vs1 Discuss', 'Group Debate' and 'Group Discuss'.
  • The user tests results clearly determined the most suitable time for the timing system. It was set to: 2minutes for the topic page, 30 seconds reading time to read and prepare for your own argument after receiving a message from the opponent, and 2 minutes typing time.


  • From the observation of the user test, the team realised that the users are not connected after becoming friends through Debate Me. We added a 'Favourite' system where users can add people to their favourites page if they had a positive experience with the other user, while sending the star to that partner. When the user adds each other to the favourite list, they can contact each other through the app for future.
  • The users were very confused with how to end the debate. The original idea was that if the user does not send a message within 2 minutes, the debate immediately ends. However, there was no indication for the users to be notified about how it exactly ends. Furthermore, many users disagreed with this idea and thus, based on the feedbacks, we decided to set a number of rounds.
  • After adding the rounds system, another user test was conducted to determine the most reasonable number of rounds. Majority of the users said that 3 rounds were perfect.
  • Group Debate was unsuccessful because taking turns with multiple users took too long and demotivated the users from debating.
  • Online Group Discuss was also unsuccessful because firstly, there was less interaction between the users and secondly, they often digressed from the topic.

Plan for next sprint:

  • Develop an external chat system for the Marvel app prototype which will be integrated with the existing prototype..
  • Develop prompts for the in person debate function.
  • Conduct user tests with prompts.
  • Test external chat system.



  • Created the whole Marvel app prototype, based on the paper prototype from the previous standup
  • I have messaged the tutor and emailed the lecturer for further feedbacks and help to improve our project and make sure that our plan was on the right track because the mark we received for the previous stand up was poor.
  • Conducted user test for the mode with other members.
  • The user test for the mode with Jack and Rohnil
  • The user test for the timing and rating system once with the whole team and once with Jack Lars and Rohnil.
  • Conducted another user test for the number of rounds chat system by myself with 3 users.
  • Every time the team made a change to the concept, I modified the digital prototype.
  • Also added all the improvements to the prototype.
  • Completed stand up documentation with Rohnil


  • Created proforma test plans for the timing and round system.
  • Created questionnaires for user tests for the timing and round system.
  • Conducted a user test for the timing and rating system with Daiki and Jack.
  • Conducted a second user test with adjustments made to the timing and rating system with Daiki, Jack and Lars.
  • Conducted third user test with the final changes made for the timing and rating system with the whole team.
  • Documented the user test results and ran analysis on the results.
  • Created a proforma test report.
  • Completed stand up documentation with Daiki.


  • Wrote questionnaires for user testing sessions.
  • Conducted second user testing session, with adjustments to the timing and rating system.
  • Written analysis of both the user tests and evaluation
  • Deciding what needs to be changed in the prototype in response to the results.


  • Analysed conversations for the user tests from the chat system testing.
  • Contributed with user test with chat system.


  • Conducted user tests on the Timing and Rating system with Daiki and Rohnil
  • Discussed changes to the Rating and timing system
  • Performed follow up tests on the rating and timing system with Lars, Daiki and Rohnil
  • Conducted a third and final user test with the timing and rating system with the whole team
  • Considered the valadility of the Rating system and planned discussion with prac tutors.
  • Reviewed the stand up 2 documentation

Stand Up 3:


  • Determine a solution of integrating a chat system with the marvel app prototype.
  • Develop an external chat system for the Marvel app prototype which will be integrated with the existing prototype..
  • Develop prompts for the in person debate function.
  • Conduct user tests with prompts.
  • Test external chat system.
  • Work on promotional material for the showcase.


  • Integrated chat system with the marvel app using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. The progress of the digital prototype, as - well as the chat system are uploaded on the GitHub. (see
  • Developed prompts that can be used to accelerate an in-person conversation.
  • Conducted user tests for the prompts.
  • Conducted tests for the chat system.
  • Started working on promotional material for the showcase.


  • All the issues the users encountered with the chat system and the prototype in general was uploaded on GitHub. (see
  • The users were feeling uncomfortable and awkward when meeting in person for both debating and discussing. Thus, we added 'Prompts' which support navigating the users.
  • Users thought the prompts were quite basic with a few unnecessary ones such as “introduce yourself” so we decided to add ones more specific to the topic being debated.
  • After the user tests, we found out that depending on the topic, or the personalities of the users, more rounds are required. Therefore, extending the round option was added.

Plan for next sprint:

  • Create a poster for the showcase.
  • Create a kickstarter video for the showcase.
  • Create brochures for the showcase.
  • Create a pitch for the showcase.



  • Delegated tasks to each member to work on for the stand up to efficiently make a progress.
  • Done a lot of research to find a solution to the integration of marvel and interactive and innovative chat system. I then -found out that the marvel app allows an external link. Therefore, I designed a chat system using the mobile responsive mode.
  • Created database to store all the messages in the chat system.
  • Hosted a zone for the prototype.
  • Programmed the topic page, with the timer function and the whole debating chat system page, including the timer, rounds, posting message functionalities etc.
  • I have contacted the tutor few times and went to many pracs to solve some functional issues.
  • Carried out two user tests for the chat system by myself.
  • Analysed the results.
  • Further developed the prototype based on the analysis.
  • Written the digital prototype, chat system and second chat system progress. (uploaded on GitHub)
  • Completed the standup documentation with Rohnil


  • Created a proforma test plan for testing the prompts that were developed.
  • Ran user tests for the prompts with 5 users.
  • Created proforma test report.
  • Analysed the results of the user tests with Jack and formed improvements that can be developed.
  • Ran second user test with the improvements made to the prompts.
  • Created a future development plan for the App - what are the future implementations we would consider and implement?
  • Completed stand up documentation with Daiki.


  • Reworking aspects of the main Marvel interface to meet new design decisions
  • Designed in-person prompts system
  • Created questionnaires for users for the prompts
  • Conceptualised and implemented 'Debate Mates' Favourites system.


  • Completed user tests for in-person chat user test.


  • Analysed the results of the user tests with Rhonil and formed improvements that can be developed.
  • Explored ideas for the kickstarter video with Vinnie
  • Help Daiki create the zone for the Prototype
  • Reviewed the stand up Documentation
  • Finalized the Rating system removal and Favourites implementation with Lars and Daiki ('Debate Mates')

Showcase and Final Documentation:


  • Create a poster for the showcase.
  • Create a kickstarter video for the showcase.
  • Create brochures for the showcase.
  • Write a 30 second pitch for the showcase.


  • Created poster
  • Created kickstarter video
  • Created brochures
  • Wrote a 30 second pitch for the app



  • Conducted one last user test to make sure that there are no major issues.
  • Fixed the functional issue found from the user test conducted before the showcase. (Autocorrection stopped the message from getting posted on the chat)
  • Contributed to the kickstarter video creation with Jack and Vinnie.
  • Drafted original content for poster before Lars rewrote.
  • Prepared for the showcase with Vinnie and Jack. (printing Poster and brochures, final edition to the kickstarter video etc.)


  • Created Brochures
  • Ran a questionnaire to get feedback on the future prospects of the app.
  • Completed future development plan with user feedback.
  • Added final documents to github and made updates to have everything submitted and on point.
  • Completed the final report - summary, design process, limitations, theory with Vinnie


  • Created poster design and layout
  • Wrote poster text content
  • Wrote 30 second pitch for the app showcase


  • Created a script for the kickstarter video with Jack
  • Got footage for kickstarter video round campus
  • Edited Kickstarter video
  • Contributed to creating the poster
  • Prepared for the showcase with Daiki and Jack. (printing Poster and brochures)
  • Contributed with the Final report, design process & theory.


  • Created a script for the kickstarter video with Vinnie
  • got footage for kick starter video round campus
  • Got voice recordings for the Kick starter video
  • Wrote the kickstarter video subtitles
  • Assisted content writing for poster --Prepared for the showcase with Daiki and Jack. (printing Poster and brochures.