It's just a middleware for UserDefaults to write and read values by easy way
in default way to save the user name, we write this
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
// writing the value
userDefaults.set("Guest", forKey: "UserNameKey")
// reading the value
userDefaults.value(forKey: "UserNameKey") as? String
but using the subscripts, you can create the key and use it for write or read the value
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
let userNameKey = UserDefaults.Key<String>("userNameKey", default: "Guest")
// reading the value
let defaultValue = userDefaults[.userNameKey]
let newValue = "Jack"
// writing the value
userDefaults[.userNameKey] = newValue
and you can add more keys like this
extension UserDefaults.Keys {
static let didUserSeeSplash = Key<Bool>("didUserSeeSplash", default: false)
static let userName = Key<String>("userName", default: "Guest")
static let couterOfArticleSeen = Key<Int>("couterOfSeen", default: 0)
static let percentage = Key<Double>("couterOfSeen", default: 0.0)