This package makes it easy to use the Slack Bolt framework on Node.js Azure Functions. Use the following code block in Typescript Azure Functions:
const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = async function (context: Context, req: HttpRequest): Promise<any> {
const receiver = new AzureFunctionsReceiver(process.env["SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET"], context.log);
const slackApp = new App({
token: process.env["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"],
signingSecret: process.env["SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET"],
receiver: receiver
slackApp.message(':wave:', async ({ message, say }) => {
await say(`Hello, <@${message.user}>`);
const body = await receiver.requestHandler(req)
return { status: 200, body: body }
export default httpTrigger;
Or you can use a Javascript Azure Function like this:
const { AzureFunctionsReceiver } = require("bolt-azure-functions-receiver")
const { App } = require( "@slack/bolt")
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
const receiver = new AzureFunctionsReceiver(
const slackApp = new App({
token: process.env["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"],
signingSecret: process.env["SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET"],
receiver: receiver,
slackApp.event("app_home_opened", async ({ event, client, context }) => {
try {
/* view.publish is the method that your app uses to push a view to the Home tab */
const result = await client.views.publish({
/* the user that opened your app's app home */
user_id: event.user,
/* the view object that appears in the app home*/
view: {
type: "home",
callback_id: "home_view",
/* body of the view */
blocks: [
type: "section",
text: {
type: "mrkdwn",
text: "Hi from Bolt running on Azure Functions",
} catch (error) {
const body = await receiver.requestHandler(req);
return { status: 200, body: body };