Main developer: deeperlush (C) 2021
This repository includes a Structured Learning Framework for Natural Language Processing problems. It comprises the implementation of the Framework originally designed during the PhD research.
Structured learning consists in learning a mapping from inputs to structured outputs by means of a sample of correct input-output pairs. Many important problems fit in this setting. For instance, dependency parsing involves the recognition of a tree underlying a sentence.
Structured perceptron is a training algorithm for structured problems that is a generalization of the binary perceptron. It learns the parameters of a linear discriminant function that, given an input, discriminates the correct output structure from the alternative ones by means of a task-specific optimization problem (an inference algorithm).
There are implementations of different variations of the structured perceptron algorithm, namely:
- vanilla,
- large margin, and
- dual (kernelized).
The are also some instantiations of the framework for different tasks:
- sequence labeling (POS tagging, text chunking, etc.),
- dependency parsing,
- quotation extraction, and
- coreference resolution.
The common entry point for all instantiations is the command
java br.pucrio.inf.learn.structlearning.discriminative.driver.Driver
When executed, this command shows a list available sub-commands. For instance, you have the sub-command TrainDP to train and evaluate dependency parsing models. You can execute each sub-command without arguments to access their list of options.
In the following, we highlight the most important aspects of this framework, including the hot spots.
In the diagram below, we present the class Perceptron
, which takes care of the training loop,
along with the most important interfaces, which correspond to the hot spots of this framework.
The main responsabilities of each class and interface are:
This class implements the vanilla Structured Perceptron training algorithm. It also serves as base class for other variants of the Structured Perceptron (large margin and dual, for instance). This implementation should works for any instantiation of the framework.Model
The class that implements this interface must store the model parameters and implement some methods. The most important method is:This method gets an inputdouble update(ExampleInput in, ExampleOutput out, ExampleOutput pred, double lr);
, its correct outputout
, the current predictionpred
, the learning ratelr
and must update the model parameters according to the difference betweenout
This interface represents the inference algorithm, i.e., the algorithm that predicts an output structure for a given input and model. The inference method is:void inference(Model model, ExampleInput input, ExampleOutput output);
This interface must be implemented to provide training examples, usualy by reading them from a file.ExampleInput
This interface represents the input features of an example.ExampleOutput
This interface represents the output structure of an example.
In the following sequence diagram, we present an overview of the operations within a typical training loop.
The client code (the training script) must create the Dataset
object and obtain the list of inputs and outputs.
It then passes those to the training algorithm (a Perceptron
object, for example)
that will execute the training loop.
In a typical iteration of the training loop, the algorithm will
randomly select a training example (the pair in
, out
call the inference(...)
method of the Inference
object to obtain a predicted structure pred
and finally update the model weights considering the difference between the correct structure out
and the predicted one pred
If you want to learn about a specific instantiation of the framework,
you can have a look at the sub-packages of the package application
And, in the package driver
you can find the training scripts for each instantiation.
This implementation has been and is conducted through the help of several collaborators. I would like to thank those who have given many relevant advices and ideas during the development of this project.