RestClient helps to speedup implementation of delphi clients for rest endpoints by providing some custom attributes.
This library makes use of following libraries: WiRL delphi-neon Spring4D
Client endpoint definition:
ISampleRestClient = interface(IInvokable)
function GetTodo([PathParam]id: Integer): TTodo;
function GetTodos: TObjectList<TTodo>;
function CreateTodo([BodyParam] param: TTodo): TResponse;
TSampleRestClient = class(TInterfacedObject, ISampleRestClient)
function GetTodos: TObjectList<TTodo>;
function GetTodo(id: Integer): TTodo;
function CreateTodo(param: TTodo): TResponse;
function TSampleRestClient.GetTodo(id: Integer): TTodo;
// NO implementation needed
function TSampleRestClient.GetTodos: TObjectList<TTodo>;
// NO implementation needed
function TSampleRestClient.CreateTodo(param: TTodo): TResponse;
// NO implementation needed
Client initialisation and call:
// init Client
GlobalRestClient.RegisterClient<ISampleRestClient, TSampleRestClient>;
// get Client Object
sampleRestClient := GlobalRestClient.Resolve<ISampleRestClient>;
// do Rest call
todo := sampleRestClient.GetTodo(1);
- Add possibility to pass some custom headers on functions or classes
[Header('X-Name', 'Alex')]
also give posibillity to pass them in a more dynamic way as a Param[Header('X-Name')] AHeaderName: String
- Add HTTP status code results
[StatusCode] AStatusCode: Integer
or even better use exceptions instead - Add custom exceptions
- Add posibillity to pas a custom NeonConfiguration
- Add possibility to set custom serializers
- Add some default serializers for some common used objects
- Add local cache
[Cache( TIME )]
to keep results of the rest calls somewehere (memory or local db) for the period of TIME.
- Is there a way of doing something similar then the interceptor instead of using Spring.
- Is it possible to use only the interface or the object declaration without a implementation. Beacause it is to much boilerplate code.
- Maybe use delphi default client objects instead wirl client
10.000 iterations avarage value: This RestClient: 2,4182 ms Wirl Client: 2,2715 ms