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Releases: dekart-xyz/dekart


02 Mar 15:18
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Feature Highlights

Query Parameters

Turn your maps into data applications! Add {{parameters}} to your SQL and UI inputs. Parameters are added to the URL, so you can share parameterized maps. Filter multiple queries with the same dimension using the same {{parameter}}.

Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 07 48 14


Automatic map saving and sync between users. No need to press Save. Changes are synced and updated without page reload.

Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 09 35 46

User Roles & Workspaces

Assign roles (viewer, editor, admin) to your collaborators and organize projects by workspace, making it easier to manage permissions and keep your maps organized.

Note: when migrating from previous versions all users and maps will be moved to "Default" workspace.

Screenshot 2025-02-28 at 09 36 56

To fine-tune workspace permissions and default roles, we’ve added following configuration variables


    • When set to true, users can create new workspaces. Set to false new users will be automatically added to Default workspace.

    • Email that designates a default admin for Default workspace. When not provided all new users will be Admin. When provided all users will be viewers, unless specified differently with DEKART_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_ROLE

    • Role assigned by default to new users (e.g., viewer, editor, admin). Requires DEKART_DEFAULT_WORKSPACE_ADMIN to be specified

Markdown README Support

Add READMEs to your maps and make them self-explanatory.

Screenshot 2025-02-23 at 17 35 44

BigQuery Service Account Keys

Create connections using JSON service account keysβ€”ideal when users don’t have direct BigQuery access or prefer not to rely on personal Google credentials.

Note: The DEKART_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY setting is required for this feature.
This key ensures secure storage of sensitive data, such as service account details.

DEKART_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY is an environment variable used to encrypt and decrypt sensitive information inside Dekart (for example, the JSON credentials for BigQuery). By setting this key, you enable Dekart to securely manage stored credentials.


  • Set DEKART_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY to a base64‐encoded, 32‐byte (256‐bit) encryption key.
  • Dekart uses this key for all encryption/decryption operations related to credentials.

Steps to Generate & Set the Key:

  1. Generate a Secure 256‐Bit Key
    Use a command like:

    openssl rand -base64 32

    This produces a base64‐encoded, 32‐byte key.

  2. Add key to Google Secret Manager

  3. Set the Environment Variable
    Add this key to your .env file or environment configuration:


With DEKART_DATA_ENCRYPTION_KEY in place, Dekart can securely handle BigQuery Service Account Keys and Snowflake credentials.

Other Notable Changes

  • Click House Support, contributed by @Tsovak
  • Allow Export: Toggle dataset downloads at the report level for tighter data control.
  • Snowflake Improvements: Fixed re‐run errors, improved large download stability.
  • Enhanced UI & Logging: Clearer error messages, better workspace screens, and more robust logs.
  • Security Updates: Upgraded to Go 1.21, updated backend dependencies
  • DEKART_GCP_EXTRA_OAUTH_SCOPES now also applied to OAuth tokens

Migration Guide

Important: always backup Postgres database before performing update

Note: when authentfication enabled, all current users and maps will be migrated to "Default" workspace. You can manage and rename via UX afterwords.

For all Docker-based deployments, update the docker tag, for example dekartxyz/dekart:0.17 -> dekartxyz/dekart:0.18

You’re all set! Enjoy the new features in Dekart 0.18.


23 Sep 07:30
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License Update

Open source project was changed to AGPL-3.0.

If you need modify Dekart without publishing your changes open-source (as required by AGPL-3.0), commercial license is available. Please contact us at [email protected]

Feature Highlights

New logo and header refresh

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 08 16 34

New report sharing dialog

Breaking change: From now, private reports will not be visible to other users by default. View permission must be explicitly set.

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 09 14 27

Snowflake temp query result storage support

Now you can set DEKART_STORAGE=SNOWFLAKE. Data will be cached in Snowflake temp query storage for 24 hours. After cache expires, query will re-run on next map visit.

Other features

  • BigQuery connection project selector
  • Dekart works correctly when user is logged into multiple Google Accounts
  • Security updates by @delfrrr in #197


  • Fix error when requesting auth by @delfrrr in #164
  • Improve Empty result handling
  • Fix error handling for Snowflake queries
  • Fix layer reordering when updating data
  • Fix connection update by @delfrrr in #181
  • Fix connection validation #184
  • Fix asking login every time with Goole Auth
  • Fix forking


04 Mar 18:15
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Feature Highlights

Collaborate better on Reports

Empower teamwork with our new editing and refresh features for shared reports. Now, every user can refresh data with a simple click, ensuring everyone has the latest insights at their fingertips. Plus, grant editing access to trusted colleagues to foster a truly collaborative environment.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 07 42 34

Query data from Postgres database

Thanks to @Tsovak contribution you now can configure Dekart to query PostgreSQL! PostgreSQL, when paired with the PostGIS extension, becomes an incredibly powerful database for managing and querying geospatial data due to its ability to efficiently store, index, and perform complex spatial queries.

πŸ‘‰ Documentation

Manage connections (BigQuery)

Dekart now introduces dedicated space, which allows you to seamlessly configure and manage connections, streamlining your workflow and enhancing your data interaction experience.

Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 08 00 21

What's Changed



  • Support dev email for Google OAuth flow by @delfrrr in #148
  • User refresh token for development with Google OAuth by @delfrrr in #149



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Dekart Cloud ✨


07 Nov 06:25
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Pass-through authentication with Google OAuth 2.0 Flow

No Google Service account required any more!

This feature allows Dekart to authorize users via Google OAuth 2.0 and pass user-specific tokens to access BigQuery and Cloud Storage. No more need for a universal service account or setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS! Plus, all tokens are stored only in your browser memory, offering an additional layer of security.

Required User Permissions:

  • BigQuery Data Viewer
  • BigQuery Job User
  • BigQuery Read Session User
  • Storage Object User

Note: This feature is currently only supported for BigQuery and Cloud Storage data sources.

How to enable?

Set these environment variables to get started:


Create Data Connections directly through the UI


Now Dekart users can create Data Connections directly through the UI, stepping away from the single configuration approach facilitated by environment variables. Coupled with the recently implemented pass-through authentication, this upgrade empowers users and admins with unparalleled control over the data stored and cached.

Currently, only BigQuery supported DEKART_DATASOURCE=BQ.

To enable the feature, leave empty DEKART_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID= and/or DEKART_CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=


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14 Jul 06:45
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This is a hotfix for release v0.14.0


  • Fix Amazon OIDC integration (#134)

How to upgrade

The following images have been updated: dekartxyz/dekart:0.14.1, dekartxyz/dekart:0.14, dekartxyz/dekart:latest

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22 Jun 05:16
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Rename queries and tabs

Now you can rename dataset tabs. Before they had automatic names assigned like Query 1, Query 2. Dataset layer in visualization panel will also pick up the new name.


OAuth Scopes Configuration for BigQuery

Added a mechanism to configure extra OAuth scopes for BigQuery. Extra OAuth scopes can be supplied via the DEKART_GCP_EXTRA_OAUTH_SCOPES environment variable as a comma-delimited list. (#122).

This allows querying a BigQuery table backed by a Google Sheet residing in Google Drive. In this case, it is necessary to set DEKART_GCP_EXTRA_OAUTH_SCOPES=

This feature is the first contribution made by @hnicke πŸš€



  • A security vulnerability was patched by fixing server security issues and resolving the problem with Golang dependencies (#129).
  • Fixed the issue with Snowflake returning an empty result for better data fetching and representation (#123).
  • Resolved an issue related to the concurrent map read causing backend to crash (#126).
  • A bug that was causing issues with the popover positioning when clicking on geometry was fixed (#128).


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18 May 07:20
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Export Dialogs

Added the ability for users to export their maps as HTML, images and data (#106). This can also be useful for printing maps or exporting to PDF. Thank you, @pooriaPoorsarvi, for the support and contribution!


AWS Athena Workgroup

Added the ability to specify an AWS Athena workgroup via an environment variable. This gives you the option to segment your query execution history for better governance, management, and isolation of queries (#102). Thank you, @seanlane, for the contribution.


Postgres Configuration

Added an option to configure Postgres using a connection string (#97). It allows specifying sslmode and use Dekart with wider range of managed Postgres services. Thank you, @christippett, for the contribution.



  • Fixed #93 causing rerunning query results in infinite load.


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27 Apr 12:32
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This release includes several bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Snowflake job status for long-running queries
  • Fixed Snowflake job duration display
  • Fixed styles for forked reports
  • Show error message when adding data to map fails, partially addresses #93


07 Mar 19:48
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Snowflake connector ❄️

Snowflake connector is now available with Dekart!

Snowflake_Logo svg


Fetching 1M point from Snowflake ❄️ and rendering on the map


  • Fixing query cancellation
  • #69 Retrieve results from BigQuery Scripts
  • Fix missing download size
  • Fix re-downloading queries when new query added


28 Jan 15:10
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Support GeoJSON in file upload

Additionally to the existing CSV format, you can now also upload GeoJSON files to be used as datasets for your visualizations. As per the previous release, files are stored in the same storage as the SQL query cache. Both Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage are supported.


Share Reports

As a step towards better collaboration within an organization, we now introduce the feature allowing to make your own reports discoverable to other users. When sharing a report, you will allow other users of the same organization/website domain to see it in Shared Reports with only view access. Simply uncheck this setting and your report will not be visible anymore.
While this feature enhances discoverability, you can still see reports of other users from your organization if they share their link with you directly.


Resize SQL editor

You can now resize the query editor, allowing each user to define how big they want the map/editor for certain use cases. Simply drag the bar left and right to find your perfect configuration!


Copy geometry coordinates

With the upgrade to the latest version of, you can now leverage their Copy Geometry feature to extract the coordinates of vertices from a manually drawn polygon on the map. Simply paste in the query editor and there you go!


Control usage stats collection over configuration

As we all love data, Dekart appends some anonymized statistics to the referrer of external links related to the usage of the tool.
You have full control on if you allow this or not. Simply configure the variable DEKART_DISABLE_USAGE_STATS in your deployment environment.

See details in user experience configuration


  • #48 fix panic during error returning
  • #28 fix the panic when no destination table exists
  • Fix stale queries which cannot be cancelled
  • Fix server crash/restart when cancelling query

Upgrade from previous version

How to upgrade from previous version